The Galaxy Note 8 is Samsung’s latest high-end smartphone. The device’s most obvious design change from the previous Note 7 is its display, sporting an 18:9 screen ratio that the company calls the Infinity Display. Samsung also made sure that the Note 8 will not end up in a fiery fashion just like its predecessor by implementing the 8-Point Battery Check.
However, the Note 8 is far from perfect. Owners have reported some issues with the device such as scrolling issues and Dead Pixels on the screen, just to name a few. Here are some of the most common problems with the Galaxy Note 8 and possible solutions, first shared by Android Authority.
Connectivity issues with Wi-Fi
Let’s start off with the most common problem – connectivity. With today’s standards, a smartphone is considered useless if it can’t connect to the internet. If you’re having trouble connecting to your Wi-Fi, here are some simple solutions that may fix the problem.
According to Android Authority, Wi-Fi connectivity issues are commonly caused when users set up the device with SmartSwitch. However, the problem went away after they performed a factory reset and this time, they have set up the phone manually.
Alternatively, you can also try to turn off your Note 8, including your router. Wait for a few seconds before turning both devices again. Try to disable the Hotspot 2.0 feature as well and see if it fixes the issue.
Issues with scrolling
A few Galaxy Note 8 owners have reported some lags while scrolling down a web page and Gallery. Apparently, the people who face this problem are the ones who also installed an app to remap the Bixby button.
They have installed a remapper app — probably because they wanted a different purpose for the Bixby button.
Unfortunately, Samsung has not yet allowed the Bixby button to have a different function and only allows owners to deactivate the same. Your only alternative is to uninstall the remapper app to fix the lags while scrolling.
Possible solution for dead pixels
If you’re one of the unlucky ones who have dead pixels on the screen, here’s a possible solution for you.
Go to the Google Play Store and download a utility app called Dead Pixel Test and Fix. Run the app and patiently wait for it to finish the process. After that, the app should be able to fix the dead pixels on your screen. If not, you should return the device to the store you bought it from, assuming that you still have a warranty.