“Always and forever” has been the Mikaelson family motto from day one. They will do everything they can to protect their siblings. While Freya hasn’t always been a known member of the family and wasn’t particularly close to her siblings (albeit not a fault of her own), she has certainly taken that motto to heart in recent years. Freya will take the motto to heart again in another episode of “The Originals” Season 4. This time she will risk her own life to protect Klaus, Hayley, and Hope, as the servant of The Hollow pays a visit. Can she save them without sacrificing herself?

The Hollow wants Klaus and Marcel dead in ‘The Originals’

There is no doubt about it that both Klaus and Marcel are at risk. Hayley and Hope are also at high risk, meaning that they are confined to a house with Freya’s protection spell around it. It’s the only way that Freya can think to save her family right now. That doesn’t mean the servant of The Hollow is just going to give up.

Freya will come face-to-face with the man in Friday’s episode. She isn’t impressed with his weakness and will force him to the ground. Of course, this is a man chosen by a magical entity and will likely have a few extra powers in his back pocket. Elijah Mikaelson looked weak when he first appeared, until he woke up after being staked and pulled the large stake out of his chest!

Vincent refuses to sacrifice everything

While Freya is willing to sacrifice everything because of the “always and forever” motto, Vincent isn’t. He’s only allied himself with the Mikaelsons because they are the lesser of two evils in “The Originals” season 4 right now. When he gets a chance, he will want to get away from them as quickly as possible.

One of the sacrifices he is unwilling to make is to perform an extremely dangerous and questionable spell. Elijah wants him to do it to protect the whole family and defend them all against The Hollow. However, it could put everyone else in New Orleans at risk, and Vincent isn’t about to do that.

This decision will force Elijah to take matters into his own hands.

This doesn’t sound good for Vincent, but it also sounds like it will leave Freya on death’s door.

“The Originals” season 5 still hasn’t been confirmed. It does appear that the show is setting up for a series finale, especially if all the Mikaelsons are at risk. However, this storyline could completely wrap in a week. Episode 8 will see the appearance of Alaric from “The Vampire Diaries,” along with his twin daughters. Could they have the magic needed to bring down The Hollow and save Freya?