Another climatic disorder is on the cards as Fiji, the Pacific island nation, braces to face the wrath of tropical cyclone Yasa. It is gaining in strength with wind speeds in the region of 80-155 miles per hour. The storm will bring with it heavy rainfall that could trigger floods and landslides. There would be too rough seas and storm surge. These would affect people living in low-lying coastal areas.
A combination of such conditions could leave behind a trail of devastation. Cyclone Yasa is already categorized as a Category 5 storm as per the standard used in Australia, Fiji, and other countries in the South Pacific.
The US National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration NOAA indicate possibilities of large-scale damages due to the cyclone. These could relate to well-built homes apart from uprooted trees, downed electric poles, and infrastructure damage.
The areas could face the loss of power, and in such situations, provisioning of renewable energy systems could help reduce the suffering of the people. Solar power, a form of renewable energy, would play a significant role over the next decade. Moreover, there would be difficulties traveling from one place to another because of debris on the roads from floods and landslides. Many remote areas could be isolated.
CNN quotes Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama saying - "Every Fijian should prepare now for heavy rain, damaging winds, coastal inundation, and flooding across the country.
I urge communities to use this time to take steps to keep your homes and communities safe." He said this in a message to the nation.
Cyclone is because of global warming
Incidents of cyclones are on the rise. Fiji is set to face Yasa while another one named Zazu passed over Tonga. The latter had winds of around 62 mph, and since there are no additional landmasses in its path, it would not be a reason for worry.
However, the frequency of intense cyclones in the Pacific in recent years has increased.
CNN says that in the opinion of Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, these occurrences are results of climate change. He blames it on global warming. This factor is responsible for the wildfires in Australia and the storms in the Pacific.
In March 2019, cyclone Idai struck Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe resulting in at least 1,297 deaths. Last year, it was cyclone Kenneth, and it targeted Mozambique again. It left 38 dead.
Cyclone Harold struck Fiji and Vanuatu in April
Frank Bainimarama adds that the extent of global warming defines the scale and frequency of wildfires. These will increase, as will the intensity of heat-driven tropical cyclones. Wildfires disturb the ecological balance of the region because of the destruction of the green cover.
Humans and animals lose their habitats, and the infrastructure takes a severe beating. Recovery is a lengthy process and involves funds. Incidentally, in April, tropical cyclone Harold struck both Fiji and Vanuatu.
CNN describes it as the strongest storm to make landfall, and Vanuatu was at the receiving end.
Closure of schools announced ahead of the arrival of cyclone Yasa
According to Canberra Times AU, the government took precautionary measures and announced all schools' closure before cyclone Yasa struck. People of Fiji were warned to prepare for the assault of the category-5 tropical cyclone. The Fiji Meteorological Service cautioned about high-speed winds.
A leading meteorological forecaster told a media outlet - "All the ingredients for further intensification is there. This is massive for Fij, and it will be very destructive for Fijians." In April, it was cyclone Harold. It killed one person, injured at least 20 others in Fiji, and caused major damage to homes and farms across Vanuatu.