Recently, President Trump signed three executive orders that are designed to create a better, more efficient government to work for. The idea is that contracts will be created, maintained, and negotiated in a shorter time frame as to not cause problems with the daily working schedule. The ability of companies to fire an employee who is not performing up to expectations will allow for a shorter time span for that to happen.

But are these recently signed executive orders exactly what this country needed?

No workers contracts could mean government shutdown

Unions are a good way to protect workers rights. You pay monthly or yearly dues to get certain assurances. Assurances such as that you can't be paid below a certain amount of money, you can't get fired without cause, and you are entitled to certain benefits like bereavement, sick leave, personal, and other benefits. All are negotiated by your union representative for your contract. In the event that you are fired or called to answer an issue, you are given legal counsel by your union or your union representative will act on your behalf as to ensure you are protected.

In recent years, some workers, such as teachers, have been working without a contract for two years. Some, like the railroad, at the ninth hour, came to an agreement. In the government, the same thing happens. But if they don't work, it could possibly lead to a government shutdown of certain office workers that are needed to keep it running. In order for this not to happen, the contracts are negotiated but some even in government have been working without a contract.

Important sections in the three executive orders

This executive order will make sure that the contracts are negotiated quickly and with benefits towards the employers to let go of employees that are not working out and make it easier to do so.

Another executive order is that the unions will have to now rent the facilities they use to complete union business. Formally the union could use the facilities at any time and not be responsible for paying any money towards its upkeep. Now this will change. This could cause a rise in union dues as well. Also note, the time spent to complete union business while working during your work day will be curtailed so that more work may be done for the job the person was hired. Not only that but an actual limit was set.

According to Bloomberg, in the article "Trump Signs Orders Cracking Down on Federal Workers' Unions," it states that the limit is ..."no more than 25 percent." But those who actually work as the union representative or who represent the union in legal or other activities state that a majority of their time at work is spent working on union issues.

To now limit that, means that the unions become inefficient. And when unions become inefficient, the work at the office suffers and you lose employees.

Also, President Trump signed an executive order that updated a regulation. This regulation will lessen the time a person has to improve their work performance upon being informed of the need. This affects the probation period that the employee has. He wants to lessen it to 30 days from its current length of 60 to 120 days. Again, this is a nod to making government more cost-effective and smaller. Although no law has been passed, these executive orders are a first step in giving more power to the executive branch of government to relieve federal employees of their positions.

Trump has also taken a hit on the minimum wage paid toward those who work on federal lands. He wanted those who were seasonal workers to be paid a different rate than the one set by former President Barack Obama. His reasoning is that due to the high turnover rate, different schedules, and the amount of overtime that group of workers might work, to pay them the amount the former president had requested was a burden on the employer. It means he wants to cut their wages.