Zimbabwe has been described a having experienced a coup, but in the words of a Zimbabwean on Twitter, it has to be the coolest coup in the world. It has alternatively been described as the classiest coup. While the military of Zimbabwe does not describe it as a coup, but as a peaceful transitional period, foreign media all bang on about how it looks like a coup and therefore is.

Zimbabwe citizens do not care for obscure UK politicians commenting

There have been tweets from rather obscure British politicians telling the Zimbabweans that Mugabe is a democratically elected leader, but Zimbabweans neither want nor need foreign intervention right now.

They have, for the first time in years been able to gather without being beaten and assaulted by brutally rabid police. It matters not right now that Mugabe negotiations might have stalled. Right now, the army in Zimbabwe is the most popular thing since real US$.

In pictures shared by those on the streets, come some amazing insights of the birth of unity and the hope for a new future.

A solidarity protest in pictures

The solidarity march and day of prayer happened Saturday 18 November 2017, after President Mugabe had ruled for 37 years through suppression, violence, and purges. This makes the images out of Zimbabwe even more special. Freedom to march peacefully is a luxury indeed, in Mugabe's Zimbabwe.

"if this is a mistake I am glad we making it together," read one tweet.

Pastor Mawarire so often arrested and charged just for trying to address the people was unmolested.

Zimbabweans meeting and greeting their military.

CDE Zipit's 'Coolest coup in the history of the world," Twitter video.

The soldiers are the 'hottest' people in town today.

Love and tolerance are very evident.

It was not confined to Harare but crowds stretch as far as the eye could see as similar marches happened in the second city - Bulawayo.

There was a clear message for SADC and the AU not to interfere in what Zimbabweans want.

People of all ages and races joined in the unity march. They were all Zimbabweans enjoying the first taste of freedom in the air.

Taking a slap at Grace Mugabe's dynasty ambitions was a sign that said: "Leadership is not sexually transmitted!"

Meanwhile, those imprisoned for criticizing Mugabe who are jailed have not been forgotten during the jubilation.

Chat 263 posted up a video to show the jubilant mood of Zimbabweans who celebrate the 'coolest coup' in the world.

Zimbabwe knows how to have a classy coup. They also know how to protest in style!

Zimbabweans flocked to take selfies with the military.

As Trevor Noah said on Comedy Central, there may be a lot of Americans who wish they could do the same thing - have a classy coup!

It is still a long road to go, with questions about peaceful transitions and honoring the constitution, but that's tomorrow's problem. For today, Zimbabweans are just amazed to be able to march peacefully and not be thrashed by squads of brutal police. Compare what you have seen above to just one year ago shown in the video below.

Note - With special thanks to those on the ground who freely shared their images and videos with Zimbabweans in the diaspora.