Japan’s Princess Mako officially announced her engagement. Emperor Akihito’s eldest grandchild shared the good news this Sunday. However, for many, this isn't good news, as the Princess is said to marry a commoner. This matrimony will make her lose a lot of privileges as a member of the Japanese Imperial Family. The 26-year-old princess will marry a commoner named Kei Komuro.
Details of their wedding have not been revealed. Palace staff said that the ceremony is expected sometime around autumn next year after a series of rituals, including one that authorizes the engagement.
Komuro works for a law firm
Komuro is currently working in a law firm while studying business law at Hitotsubashi University.
The Princess revealed that she met Komuro in a University in Tokyo during her freshman year. The two became close in 2012 when they had their orientation session for an exchange program abroad. During the program, Komuro went to the University of California in Los Angeles, while Princess Mako studied at the University of Edinburgh.
The couple started dating even before they went abroad and continued their communication after. Komuro shared how they're distance helped them and became an opportunity to deepen their relationship. He also added that he proposed to her in December 2013.
The couple seems to have a loving relationship as they both revealed their feelings during the press conference. Princess Mako shared she likes his smiles which seemed "like the sun.” In return, Komuro replied that the princess has been watching over him “like the moon.”
What will she lose after marriage?
With her marriage to commoner Kei Komuro, Princess Mako eldest grandchild to Emperor Akihito, and eldest child to Prince Akishino; will renounce her status as a member of the Imperial Family.
In respect to the Imperial House Law, the princess will then be registered as an ordinary citizen with all of the rights therein. This has a great difference for the males, as the law states that princes’ who marry commoners will retain their royal title.
With the Princess’ engagement, the people are once again talking about this law. Many people want the rule to be changed so women born in the Imperial Family can resume their roles. Reports are also saying that people think that changing the law could increase the number of potential male heirs to the Monarchy. This is because Japanese Monarchy only allows males to inherit the throne.
Princess Mako and Kei Komuro’s wedding is said to take place after the summer of 2018.