In a recent report by BBC News, President Donald Trump said that a hurried retreat of US from afghanistan would leave a void for the terrorists there. Under the presidency of Trump, US troops would be increased in Afghanistan for all the right reasons. During an interview, Trump also said that there won't be any time limit for the stay of US troops in Afghanistan.

Back in 2012, during Obama's presidency, Trump's ideas and strategies regarding Afghanistan were very different from the present ones.

During Obama's presidency, Trump said in an interview that the money should be invested in building the nation. He also mentioned that Afghanistan was a complete disaster and the US troops need to get out from there.

In the light of ideas in past regarding Afghanistan and the US troops there, President Trump said that things have changed now. His real intention behind those ideas was to pull the US troops out of Afghanistan. He further mentioned that things are different when you have to make decisions while sitting behind the desk in the White House. The decision of President Trump is now to stay and win in Afghanistan so that the mistakes made in Iraq could be avoided.

A longer war for the US

The war between the US and Afghanistan is going to be a long one, as President Donald Trump has abandoned the timetable for the stay of US troops in Afghanistan. Trump has forced on "conditions-based approach" as a strategic measure for the US forces. In an interview, Trump said that he has taken over a messed up situation so that under his presidency the situation could get a whole lot less messy.

President Trump refused to give any statement regarding the number of troops. According to the idea of Trump's generals, the rough estimate is of 3800 military trainers and advisers.

Taliban's advice

A few days ago, President Trump received an unexpected advice letter from the Taliban community of Afghanistan.

In the letter, it was clearly mentioned by Taliban's that the wise decision would be the withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan. The Taliban's also mentioned that Afghanistan would become a "graveyard" for the US forces if the withdrawal is not done.

Trump's new strategy regarding Afghanistan is not nation building, but "killing terrorists".

There won't be any set deadlines for the stay of US troops in Afghanistan. The recent strategies of Trump seem kind of flip-flopping as compared to the strategies in the past.