Traveling has become one of the most favorite activities of people around the world. If someone feels stressed out, the next thing that person will do is to pack a bag and go to another place. Asian countries, in particular, has been the favorite go-to places for travelers. Apart from good food, traveling in Asia is also cheap. However, not all places in Asia are open for visiting.

Just recently, the government of United States announced that they would put a ban on Americans from traveling to North Korea. Last Friday, the government addressed this situation and stated that this is due to the detention made by the North Korean government to an American student traveling as a tourist.

Ban on travel

There was reportedly a student from the United States who was on a tourist visit to North Korea. However, this student was held in long-term detention by the country while on tour in 2016. The things get worse when, as reported by Reuters, the student died for unknown reasons.

The Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, reportedly authorized the “Geographical Travel Restriction” which will affect all Americans. As explained by Spokeswoman Heather Nauert, this “Geographical Travel Restriction” will limit all people holding a US-issued passport from entering the territories of North Korea.

All passports are now invalid

Based on the statement released by Spokeswoman Nauert, once the “Geographical Travel Restriction” has taken effect, all people of the United States bearing a US-issued passport will not be able to travel to North Korea.

If there is a need to enter the territory, a special passport with a special validation must be arranged.

The spokeswoman also explained further that this decision and move by the U.S. government is due to the increasing concerns over the risks of being arrested and detained long term under the law of enforcement of North Korea.

This was said happened to the student, Otto Warmbier.

Otto Warmbier's story

Otto Warmbier was a 22 years old student from the United States who was sentenced in North Korea to 15 years. His conviction included hard labor too. He was arrested by the police force when he tried to steal a propaganda poster.

The student returned to the United States last June 13.

However, instead of being back alive, he returned to his family in a state of coma after being released on humanitarian grounds. Just six days after, Warmbier died.

The circumstances as to how he died are still not clear. This also includes the reason why he fell into a coma and if the rumors are true that he was tortured and beaten while in prison. However, the government of North Korea already released a statement regarding Otto Warmbier’s death, which they ruled as a mystery. The government also rejected the accusations of torture and beating.

Right now, the government of North Korea is still holding two Korean-Americans: One missionary and one academic. They are also detaining three South Koreans along with a Canadian pastor who was doing missionary missions in the country.