According to The Daily Caller, police say one of the 3 terrorists was reported more than once, not only to the police but to the "anti-terror" police at least twice, according to reports. This came from the British media on Sunday. Reports claim that the suspect started out as a moderate Muslim, and was radicalized over the past two years.

A friend of the suspect reported his radical comments to the police.

According to the friend, he made comments about past attacks he had committed. Yet, the police did nothing at all to monitor the suspect's activities. As a matter-of-fact, they never investigated the report at all, The Daily Caller reports. As a result, the suspect was able to attempt to radicalize a group of local British youths, due to his freedom of movement.

The friend spoke of their conversation

With great detail, the friend of the suspect revealed disturbing comments claimed by the suspect. But, for every attack, the suspect had a justification for committing the heinous crimes. The Daily Caller reports that the suspect "got radicalized" by watching Youtube videos of Islamic preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril.

According to the BBC, the friend said the suspect watched a lot of Ahmad Musa Jibril videos. In 2004, Ahmad Musa Jibril was convicted of fraud and conspiracy and was imprisoned. There, Musa Jibril was radicalized, and when he got released, started radicalizing American Muslims. Two years prior to the attack, the terror suspect started watching Musa Jibril.

Suspect reported by a neighbor

Erica Gasparri, the suspect's neighbor, also said she reported him for "suspicious behavior." She reported the suspect after her discovery that the terrorist was "brainwashing her children at the local park. She confronted the terrorist when her children told her they wanted to be Muslims.

“He was trying to radicalize the children," she said to BBC.

She went on to report, "he would go down to the park and talk to them about Islam." Since being a Muslim in itself is not a crime, the police still did nothing. The neighbor also said that the terrorist would also come to the house bearing gifts for the kids during Ramadan. Again, still not a crime. The police did not want to offend him because he was a Muslim.

The death toll

According to the Daily Caller, due to Sunday's attack, seven people were killed and 48 injured. This attack comes right after the attack last month in London. President Trump has condemned the attack, talking about the importance of the travel ban.

The president followed up with another tweet:

Trump says that the courts need to "unblock the travel ban on countries serving violent extremism." Over the first couple of months of his presidency, two different federal judges blocked two travel bans. The travel bans were for 6 countries known to produce radical terrorists. Trump is calling for the travel ban to be reinstated.