Microsoft first launched the original Surface Book in October 2015. Even though the firm had been rumored to introduce its successor in the two years, they never really did. According to Tech Radar, the company recently announced that they will be holding an event on November 16 this year. The report mentions rumors that indicate that the company might finally debut the Surface Book 2. The new device will come with major enhancements. The list includes a better-equipped display, faster processor, and a longer Battery Life.
Price of the laptop
Surface Book 2 is one of the most anticipated devices of this year.
The Redmond giant will unveil two variants – one that will feature the 13.5-inch display and another will pack a considerably larger 15-inch display. The firm is expected to begin pre-orders from November 9 onwards. The Surface Book 2 will be priced at the same rate as its predecessor. This means that the product might come for a price of $1,499.
Microsoft will launch two variants of its Surface Book 2. The first one will feature a 13.5-inch display, and be powered by Intel’s Core i5-7300U processor, which is clocked at 2.6GHz. This one will offer 8GB of RAM and 256GB of PCIe SSD storage. The second variant will feature a 15-inch display, and be powered by Intel’s Core i7-8650U chip.
On the storage front, the device is expected to offer 16GB of RAM and 256GB SSD storage.
Power, connectivity
Microsoft’s Surface Book 2 will come running on the latest version of Windows 10 (Creators Update). Since it is a 2-in-1 laptop, there’s a lot more than a user will be able to do with the product. The line-up will include basic connectivity options such as a USB Type-C port.
Thunderbolt 3 port has been eliminated from this variant.
New features
Microsoft will pack its Surface Book 2 with a better battery support. The original Surface Book outputs 4 hours of activity on a single charge, which is too less considering the amount of work that needs to take place. This time, its successor is going to offer double, 8 hours of battery life.
The laptop will be powered by NVIDIA’s latest set of GeForce chipsets. Microsoft will explore newer technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) this time. It hasn’t been confirmed yet but the company might soon reveal the availability of the device in the market. The device will rival Apple MacBook Pro and MacBook Air.