Google will launch its Pixel 2 line-up at an event on October 4. Just a day ahead of the launch, prolific leaker Evan Blass posted two alleged renders of the upcoming smartphone. According to him, the device in question is Pixel XL 2. In the first image, one can see the smartphone fit into a firm casing. In the second image, the device appears bulkier. The Front Panel of the smartphone is visible in both the images but nothing more than that.
The design of the phone
Through these images, it can be concluded that the 2017 Google smartphones will feature minimal bezels on the top and bottom of the screen.
This is perhaps among the top prominent differences that one could spot, especially when comparing the device to the original Pixel. The handset also ends up with curved edges – much curvier than its predecessor. The appearance is similar to LG’s V30 smartphone. According to Evan Blass, this design is solely exclusive to Pixel XL 2. It can, therefore, be assumed that Pixel 2 might not have the same design.
The speculated specs and features
Another key observation is that the smartphone equips dual front-facing cameras. The physical buttons are placed on the right-hand side of the device. The selfie camera is situated in the usual place. The display seems to be protected by a 2.5D curved screen.
The home button or the “Pixel Launcher,” looks quite different from the last time. The search bar will probably be located on the bottom of the front panel. This might be a sudden change from what appeared in the previous models, as it would usually come placed on top. Small details like the weather, time and date update among other aspects, are placed on top of the screen.
As noted by Tech Radar, these aren’t significant changes that Google plans on implementing. In fact – these changes are pretty small when compared to Google’s competitors. Samsung and Apple have integrated some terrific, never before seen features in its smartphone. Google doesn’t plan on doing the same. Therefore, it can be assumed that the Pixel 2 line-up is merely an update on last year’s devices.
The search-giant might also end up unveiling their special “Made for Google” program. This might be done for third-party accessories that its next line-up of smartphones can use. There is no way of finding out whether the program is real at this time. Even if it is, one wouldn’t know about it until the Wednesday event anyway.