The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has achieved another milestone in its short journey. On Tuesday, September 12, the company revealed that the phablet has raked in the highest number of pre-orders ever for the Note series. The Note 8 defeated the pre-order figures of its predecessor the Note 7, in just five days. The newly-released Samsung phablet pre-orders are 2.5 times more than the number of pre-orders Note 7 received in 2016.

Note 8 breaks pre-order records for series

Samsung is relying on its Note 8 to maintain its edge in the market and get the most shares, especially as Apple readies itself to launch the next generation iPhone models.

The device will be released in South Korea, United States, and other international markets on Friday, September 15. According to the South Korean OEM, the company has received 650,000 pre-orders for the handset over the last five days. The pre-orders have come from nearly 40 different countries. During a media event, Samsung’s president of mobile communications, DJ Koh stated that the response is very encouraging for the manufacturer.

Phablet redeems Samsung

The Note 8 is the successor of the Note 7 which was released in 2016. The predecessor was literally explosive and was abruptly recalled by the company owing to battery issues. It was pulled from the market to maintain the safety of consumers, costing the South Korean company billions of dollars.

Even after such a disastrous aftermath for the handset, Samsung decided to retain the Note brand. The decision was made based on the findings of a survey which stated that 85 percent of the Galaxy Note users were still loyal to the brand.

The age of premium priced handsets

With the release of the Note 8 and the iPhone X, the world will see the onset of premium-priced smartphones.

In the United States, the Note 8’s base model is priced at $930 for and $960 for the top-end model. The pricing is inclusive of data and dialling plans. The iPhone X costs $1000 upward. The Note 8 will play a major role in the Chinese market as Samsung is relying on the phablet to get back its lost market shares from OEMS such as Vivo, Huawei, and Xiaomi.

In the April to June quarter, the Chinese mobile manufacturing firms reduced Samsung’s market share-hold by three percent.

It remains to be seen if the latest Samsung phablet is a game changer for the company and can boost its revenue further, helping it cement its position as the market leader.