The Galaxy Note 8 has been launched and Samsung is just days away from officially releasing the device. However, even before the handset reaches the users, there are some third-party applications which are trying to integrate with the brand-new technologies aboard the Samsung phablet. Netflix is one such program which has updated itself to ensure that Galaxy Note 8 along with some other premium handsets can stream the highest quality videos.

What did Netflix add?

Just prior to the release of the Samsung phablet, the subscription-based streaming service added the support for HDR or High Dynamic Range video streaming for the Galaxy Note 8. Owners of the Samsung handset will be able to view the content in Netflix in a much richer color and higher contrast than normal. This will increase video quality and offer an overall better display of the content.

However, the Galaxy Note 8 was not the only handset that received the HDR support. Along with Samsung's latest launch, the LG V30, Xperia XZ Premium, and the Xperia XZ1 all received the HDR video playback functionality.

Netflix, however, claimed that the latest firmware version is required in each so that they can play the HDR videos.

Apart from these four handsets, Netflix also revealed that the LG G6 is the only smartphone in the market which support's the streaming service's Dolby vision. This is yet another form of high dynamic range. However, even though the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+, and Galaxy Tab S3 all support the HDR functionality, Netflix currently does not allow HDR streaming in these devices.

Will more devices also get HDR support for Netflix?

Even though a small handful of high-end devices have been updated to stream the HDR content, there are still several other companies whose premium smartphones cannot run on the HDR mode.

However, there is a possibility that Netflix will continue to add more smartphones to the list of devices supported for HDR. It will likely start with the Galaxy S8 and the tablets from Samsung, followed by other OEMs. Most people would like to see the videos at a higher contrast and overall clarity, which is why HDR mode is quite enticing for fans.

The Galaxy Note 8 has been designed to match up to the video quality in these subscription-based sites. For instance, the phablet features HDR10 and can reach a peak brightness of 1,200 nits. In comparison to the Galaxy S8, this is a huge number, more than double that of the flagship smartphone with a max brightness of 570 nits. Even the iPhone 7 only sports 632 nits of brightness.