Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 8 is August, and the phone is the successor to the Galaxy Note 7, which the company recalled following a battery issue. With the Galaxy Note 8, Samsung has thankfully made some significant changes to ensure that the same problem does not recur. As a goodwill gesture, the company has announced that all those users who faced issues with the recalled device last year will receive up to $425 discount on the new handset. Here is what users should know about this offer.
The offer from Samsung
While users faced the problem with last year's phablet all around the globe, Samsung has decided to launch the discount offer only in the United States.
So, users in the country can take advantage of the $425 discount on the new phablet, which sports a price tag of $930. However, there are some caveats in this offer which sounds too good to be true.
To qualify for the offer, users will have to apply before September 30, as the offer runs out after that time. Since Samsung is the one offering this discount, carrier locked devices will not be sold at the lower price. So, those who want to get the discount will have to buy the carrier unlocked handset from Samsung's own website or store.
That is not all, however, as the $425 discount is the maximum value, which means that customers may get much lesser than the full $425 off. To get the discount, users will have to turn in a functional smartphone to the company.
So, if the customer intends to keep two handsets simultaneously, this offer will not work. The handset that is given to the company has to completely operational and without any major faults. F
Why these caveats are justified
The offer is a way through which Samsung is apologizing to fans for the Galaxy Note 7 mishap last year.
Samsung does not owe anything to Galaxy Note 7 users, especially since during the recall the company offered complete refunds for the handsets or in some cases a replacement smartphone in place of the phablet. So, customers should not complain of the loopholes in Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 offers. If one qualifies for the offer and is ready to exchange their current working handset for the latest phablet, they should contact Samsung soon, as the offer will run out in just a few days. The latest Samsung phone will hit the shelves on September 15 in the U.S. It remains to be seen if the new mobile phone can redeem the company of the embarrassment caused by its predecessor.