The "Grand Theft Auto" series is one of the most famous games in the world. Every year, Rockstar Games releases mind-blowing editions that fans eagerly wait for. They are primarily known for titles like “Grand Theft Auto” and “Red Dead Redemption,” among others.

According to a report by Tech Radar, the game developer is now working towards the launch of "GTA’s" next entry. While its release date is not yet known, the possibility of it being compatible with PC is pretty high.

Speculated release date of the game

Several sources quoted by Tech Radar claim that the gaming series might launch in 2020. Rockstar Games already extends support for three different out-branches of "GTA." The list includes "GTA Online" and several updates to "GTA 5."

Since the firm only recently launched "Red Dead Redemption 2," it is going to take time for the company to come up with another revolutionary game. The series is currently in its early stages with the company’s president, Leslie Benzies, already dropping a few hints regarding it.

“We don’t know what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas,” Benzies has been quoted by Develop Magazine as saying.

According to him, the creators of "GTA" have roughly “45 years’ worth of story ideas” to explore. Therefore, it is safe to assume that there is definitely one in the offing.

What will the game offer?

"GTA 6" might include the whole of America’s map. The game will be ever-expansive, including a variety of themes including a 70’s Game of Thrones-like setting, British rules, and others.

Rockstar Games co-founder Dan Houser was quoted as saying that the future theme of "GTA" is “contemporary, American, English-ish.” They have already explored “Liberty City,” “Vice City,” and “San Andreas.”

In an interview with The Guardian, Houser even hinted towards a female protagonist.

“In the future, could we do a game with a female lead?

Of course,” he was quoted as saying. What’s even more exciting is that Hollywood superstar Eva Mendez might be signed up to play the lead role in the next GTA installment. There will be a male companion too, and rumors state that Ryan Gosling might be signed up for it.

Virtual Reality might be featured in 'GTA 6'

Technology is advancing at a fast pace. It would only make sense for future "GTA" installments to adapt to it. Since virtual reality (VR) technology is the current norm, it’s pretty certain that "GTA 6" will come supporting it.