Google is expected to unveil its next-generation Pixel line-up next month. The company will not be bringing about revolutionary changes to its smartphone. One of its main highlights was supposed to be its processor. According to a report by First Post, the handset was supposed to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 836 processor. This would make the device superior to the rest of the flagships, powered by a slightly lower version – Snapdragon 835.
The prolific leaker, Evan Blass of VentureBeat now claims that Qualcomm may be planning on canceling Snapdragon 836 lineup altogether.
The rumored specs and features
Blass took to his official Twitter account to announce that Qualcomm is pretty much delaying the launch of Snapdragon 836 system-on-chip. He further added that it is undergoing reimaging and will be available for use towards the end of 2018. As noted by Android Headlines, this has led many to believe that the firm might even scrap off Snapdragon 836. Instead, the company might develop an iteration of Snapdragon 845.
According to a report by BGR, this will heavily impact the potential dominance that Google’s upcoming Pixel 2 and Pixel XL 2 could have made in the market.
The same thing took place last year when the original Pixel line-up had been introduced. Google had the upper hand over the rest of the smartphones because it was able to include Snapdragon 821 version, whereas the rest had Snapdragon 820 onboard.
Android Oreo might be featured in the phone
With the latest processor being out of the picture, there is not much Google can do regarding impressing its fans. Several leaks that showcase the upcoming handset have revealed that there aren’t going to be too many significant changes in the high-end smartphone. The company has decided to settle with the same design as last year. The company was also rumored to debut a bezel-less display, but soon, those speculations were refuted.
Apart from this, the handset had been in the news for having to feature a dual rear camera setup. Later, it was clarified that the smartphone would feature a single lens camera with a 16-megapixel sensor and a simple 7-megapixel sensor on the front panel. Google’s latest software update, Android Oreo might only possibly be the saving grace for the company. The chances of the search-giant surprising the market are also quite high. No one can say much what they might end up an offering during the time of the launch.