Apple, at its September 12 keynote, did not reveal iPhone X’s internal specs. It is not known for sure what the device’s Ram and battery size will be. Prolific leaker, Steve Hemmerstoffer has, however, spotted the handset on TENAA (China’s version of FCC). Thanks to the listing, it has now been revealed that the smartphone will feature 3GB of RAM and 2,716mAh battery.
Similarity to iPhone 8 Plus
According to a report by The Verge, this does not come across as a surprise. The same specifications featured in iPhone 8 Plus. On the basis of that, it was already assumed that the iPhone X would pack the same. The Cupertino giant was speculated to expand its RAM offering to 4GB this time. It doesn’t seem like that will take place. Coming to its battery offering, it is much bigger than what the iPhone 8 Plus offers. The iPhone 8 Plus features a 2,691mAh battery. The iPhone X comes with a subtle but distinctive upgrade from 2,691mAh to 2,716mAh. The company claims that the smartphone can last up to 2 hours longer than its predecessor iPhone 7.
Other specifications
The iPhone X comes along with a lot of newer features, which are a drastic change from last year’s offerings. For example, the firm decided to opt for a completely bezel-less front panel look. For this purpose, they even eliminated the physical home button. The company thus offers the facial recognition technology powered by the device’s 3D cameras, instead of the Touch ID.
Apple also decided to opt for a dual rear camera setup with support for 4K video recording. The smartphone runs on iOS 11 right out of the box. The software update brings about many changes in terms of the looks. The user interface along with the control panel looks very different than it used to. iPhone X also comes with support for something called, “Animoji.” It is designed in a way to draw up emoticons on the basis of the user’s expressions.
Lastly, the handset comes integrated with support for wireless charging technology. Apple decided to include the smartphone with a glass backing which supports the wireless network.
Meanwhile, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus – which are already available for sale – are already being affecting by issues. iPhone 8 owners are taking up to different complaint forums including MacRumors forums, Apple’s support forum, and Reddit to talk about the unpleasant experience with the device. According to the users, they are constantly running into an issue with iPhone 8’s earpiece, wherein they hear “crackling” or “static” noises. This is severely disrupting the audio experience especially while they are conversing with another user on the smartphone.