There are hardly two days left before Apple’s September 12 keynote event. The company is expected to launch a couple of major products, including iPhone 8 (and two other iPhone devices), Watch 3 and a 4K TV. Now, an IOS developer named Steven Troughton-Smith claims to have discovered mentions of the device in the new IOS 11 software. According to him, IOS 11 refers to the handset as “iPhone X.” This has led him to believe that Apple’s 10th-anniversary-device will officially be called iPhone X.

Company will launch bunch of products

According to a report published by The Verge, Smith was quick to tweet about this on his official social media platform. He revealed that the company would be seen taking the wraps off three devices, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. He claimed that he found references made in software, with the codename “D22.” He believes that the reference is made to Apple’s iPhone X. The smartphone is going to feature a bezel-less front panel. According to another report by TechRadar, a leaked image of the handset’s retail box has shown up online. The box is carrying the “X” branding on top.

This further adds more value to the previously mentioned rumor that the handset is going to be called iPhone X. There are many other names that have been given to the handset before. Some referred to it as “iPhone 8,” while other reports claimed that it would be called, “iPhone Edition.”

Everything you need to know about iPhone 8

According to a report by 9to5Mac, after some serious digging through iOS 11 firmware, they discovered a new feature called, “Animoji.” The report even stated that there would be a special “Portrait Lighting” mode in the smartphone’s camera app along with several other exciting features that haven’t been seen before. It has also been speculated that the smartphone will pack a 5.8-inch AMOLED bezel-less display, the latest A11 chipset with IOS 11 on top and 3GB of RAM.

The smartphone will further come packed with facial recognition technology in place of Touch ID, and a dual rear camera setup with 3D capabilities. With features like these, the price of the handset will certainly go up to $1,000 at least. The firm is also expected to debut newer color variants with the launch of this device. Apple will begin taking pre-orders from September 15 onwards, followed by the official shipping to start from 21 September. iPhone 8 will go head-to-head with Galaxy S8.