The latest version of Android OS is Android Oreo or Android O, which also known as Android 8.0. Android 8.0 is better than the previous Android Nougat in many ways, with improved features. The first announcement regarding the launch was made back in March and now the operating system is all ready to be used on different phones. There are some phones that will come with Android O, along with some extra features.

Here are the 5 best features of the Android O.

Battery Life

Battery Life is something which is always emphasized whenever there is a new Version of the Android OS. Similarly, Android Oreo is focusing on the battery life.

It is expected that Android O will provide longer battery hours on its devices. Therefore, it looks like Android O can be an exciting prospect, and at the same time, quite popular too.

Better control over notifications

Android OS provides important notifications and it also helps keep users updated. However, in some versions of Android OS, the notifications option is not up to date.

In fact, a few people have complained about the notifications system.

However, it looks like Android developers are going to resolve the issue in the latest OS. Android Oreo will provide better notifications, and users will be able to choose how they receive them. This means that if a user does not need a particular notification, it can be blocked and it won't appear next time.

Adaptive Icons

Adaptive icons were in the iOS and in the customized versions of the Google's operating system. However, it was never present in the official version of any Google's version of the OS. Adaptive icons are something which can appear in different shapes. Therefore, whenever adaptive icons are enabled, an icon can appear with round shape and alternatively it can appear in the square shape as well.

Better sound quality

Oreo will offer better sound quality than the previous version of the Android operating systems. There were some issues regarding the sound quality in the previous version of the operating system. Looks like the developers of the oreo are going to sort out the issue and provide better sound quality.

Better storage management

Android Oreo will offer better storage management than the previous OS versions. Better storage management is always a plus point. With the better storage management, a user can utilize the storage of the device in a better way and less space will be wasted at the same time as well.