The Galaxy S8 managed to become a very popular handset on the market. However, some of its design choices were criticized by the fans. Primarily, the Galaxy S8 users reported their disappointment at the South Korean company’s decision of placing the Fingerprint Sensor on the rear face of the device that was too close to the camera lenses. Unfortunately, Samsung most likely did not heed to the complaints from fans and has decided to include the same rear mounted fingerprint scanner in the upcoming Galaxy Note 8 phablet as well.
However, a new rumor indicates that there may be a solution on the horizon for Samsung fans. Reports have indicated that the Galaxy S9 scheduled to arrive next year will also be positioning the sensor on the back face. However, a new report claims that the Galaxy Note 9 to be released next year may come with an under-the-display fingerprint sensor.
New fingerprint sensor in the making by Samsung
KGI predicted that the under the display fingerprint technology will most likely be housed in next year’s phablet from the South Korean company. This technology was rumored to be coming in this year’s iPhone 8 but has since been ditched by Apple if reports are to be believed.
Most experts claimed that mass production of the technology remains the main problem in the case of these fingerprint sensors.
As Apple has ditched the technology in the iPhone 8, Samsung will also most likely not risk incorporating the same in the Galaxy S9 flagship that it is supposed to launch early in 2018. KGI stated that the Galaxy S9 will feature an improved iris scanner functionality and the dual camera setup, to compete with the iPhone 8 as a result of which Samsung has no reason to include the under the display fingerprint technology.
Samsung will switch to different supplier for fingerprint sensors
The KGI report also mentions a possible shift from Synaptics to Egis as supplier for all of the fingerprint sensors needed by Samsung.
This transition is not going to be a simple one for the company as the new under-the-display technology will be at least three to four times more expensive than the previous biometric technology. This could also mean that the cost of the next year’s Galaxy Note 9 will most likely be considerably higher than that of the Galaxy Note 8, poised to release this year.
However, this is most likely based on rumors and speculations. None of the things mentioned in the KGI report can be confirmed yet. For now, most Samsung fans are eagerly waiting for the launch of the Galaxy Note 8, scheduled to take place on August 23.