Samsung embarked upon this year with a lot of firmness. The South-Korean technology giant first announced its Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. The company then targeted the mid-range category with its J7 and J7 Pro smartphones. Following this, the firm started working on its much-awaited Galaxy Note 8 device – that the company is believed to be introducing at its ‘Unpacked’ event on 23 August. The smartphone hasn’t even arrived yet but leaks and speculations regarding next year’s Note 9 smartphone have already started surfacing online. The latest leak regarding the Galaxy Note 9 smartphone suggests that the company is planning on integrating the under-the-display Fingerprint Scanner in the 2018 Galaxy Note 9 smartphone.

What reports have to say?

Truth be told, the South-Korean technology giant was expected to integrate this sought-after feature in its Galaxy Note 8 smartphone. However, for whatever reason, that did not work out in Samsung’s favor. In fact, Vivo beat Samsung to it by launching the under-the-display fingerprint scanner feature earlier last month. However, that does not necessarily mean that Samsung has completely given up. The smartphone manufacturer is expected to integrate its Galaxy Note 9 device – scheduled to launch sometime in 2018 with this feature. The latest leak can be traced all the way to a source at KGI Securities who feels that Samsung is serious about this feature, and will successfully embed its 2018 smartphones with it.

Specs and features

Meanwhile, even Apple is working towards getting this feature in place for its upcoming iPhone 8 flagship smartphone. There were many reports that suggested that the Cupertino technology giant is going to do all that it possibly can to introduce this feature. The feature holds so much importance especially because it allows smartphone manufacturers to adopt the bezel-less look in its flagship devices.

However, the technology is rather new and requires a lot of work.

A lot of work also directly translates into the investment of a lot of money as well. Therefore, if this feature does appear in the iPhone 8, the consumers must not expect the device to be any cheaper than $1,000. Vivo has successfully managed to master the design of this feature.

Future Vivo smartphones will probably come with this feature; however, the company hasn’t provided any details regarding it. It remains to be seen what exactly takes place as far as the under-the-display fingerprint scanning feature is concerned.