Last year, a significant number of Samsung users were left disappointed with the recalled Galaxy Note 7. After a series of incidents citing the handset exploding, the company was forced to take the smartphone off the market. This issue definitely caused the company some profit loss and even a dent in its reputation.
With the hype built up around the release of the Galaxy Note 8, Samsung took advantage of the opportunity to make up to its loyal customers and followers. The Unpacked 2017 event took place today in NYC and the firm revealed some exciting details.
As part of the program, the company announced that owners of the recalled model are entitled to a big discount on the new Note 8.
How to get the discount
Instructions for availing includes trading the current device. The amount of discount price on the latest Note smartphone will be assessed based on the brand and condition. Users who are interested in taking advantage of this offer may do so as soon as the pre-orders go live on its website. This is scheduled to happen on August 24 and would only be available in the United States. As of this writing, Samsung has not issued additional details on the availability of the incentive.
Is Note 8 worthy?
The release of the Note 8 smartphone came on the back of a difficult year for Samsung.
Many would consider it as a fresh start for the Note series. Long before its launch, it was marketed to offer new and powerful features and specifications. With the previous model suffering from the faulty battery that overheats and explodes, the company assured the public that this new version will carry a more reliable and safe battery.
Clearly, there is a lot riding on the new Note model. For starters, its captivating look showcases the glossy and curved shoulders with dual cameras and a digital stylus. Aside from washing away the bad taste of the Note 7, it also needs to stand out among all the other phones that also feature dual camera setup. With the Note series being part of Samsung's highest-end smartphone line, it means it must also prove its worth over the cheaper models Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus.
The company seems to have played it safe with the Note 8. The battery is smaller compared to last year's model, which may be indicative of learning from its mistake. Taking that aside, there are actually a number of retained features from the Note 7 and S8. This includes the S Pen stylus that has additional fun, but not quite over the top tricks. The fingerprint sensor can be found in its usual location, which may be convenient for some considering this is a larger handset.
Price and availability
As mentioned, pre orders start on the 24th of August with the phone officially going on sale on the 15th of September in the US, UK, South Korea, and other select countries. The Note 8 will be rolled out internationally through October.
Exclusive of the discount incentive, preorders in the US will come with a fast wireless charger as well as an option between a 128GB microSD or a Gear 360, which is an image and video recorder. Apart from Samsung's website, US customers may place their orders from Best Buy, Target, and Walmart. Carriers offer it for varying prices with T-Mobile at $930, AT&T at $950, and both Sprint and Verizon at $960.