HTC a few weeks back introduced its high-end U11 smartphone. In a very short span of time, the HTC U11 smartphone has managed to gain the top positions in the list of the Android-powered devices of 2017. The smartphone equips itself with top-notch specifications aimed towards facilitating the requirements of the user, and an impeccable design, which is pretty hard to match.

One of the primary highlights of the HTC U11 smartphone is its camera. Now, the company has reportedly confirmed that its device is scheduled to receive the latest Bluetooth 5.0 update. The company even further went on to state that the smartphone’s Bluetooth 5.0 system will function way better when the device finally receives the Android O update as well.

Feedback from the fans

As pointed by Gadgets 360, the smartphone has managed to receive a Positive Feedback from both, users as well as its critics after the launch. However – at the time of the launch – the smartphone did not sport all the possible features, which were expected from the same.

The company began deploying several exciting promised features to its U11 smartphone, starting June this year. The company finally seems to be ready to update its flagship U11 smartphone with the latest Bluetooth 5.0 update.

Along with this, the device will also reportedly be receiving the ability to record 1080p resolution at 60fps as well. Apart from the already given features, the smartphone is also scheduled to feature the latest (August) security patch as well. The latest set of fixes will be taking care of all the possible bugs that existed in the software. The August security patch will also come along with stability improvements, which ensures a smooth experience for its smartphone users.

After the HTC U11 receives its latest Bluetooth 5.0 update, the smartphone will also allow users to enjoy a longer range for connectivity, complimented by a higher bandwidth for transmission and a lower power usage as well.

Edge Sense features

The company had also recently stated that the smartphone will be receiving all the possible Edge Sense features as well. However, these additions still haven’t been made by the company and there is no word on when these will be made. The smartphone also recently received a major update, wherein the company added support for Amazon’s Alexa digital voice assistant as well. The company hasn’t made any other confirmation regarding the same. Let’s see what ends up turning out to be true.