Fake gadgets have been circulating around Craigslist and even in shops all over the world. In these desperate times, some people resort to swindling others to make a profit. To avoid being a victim, you can first research on how to verify a genuine item. A very common example of an often replicated gadget is the iPhone.
Why is the iPhone very popular?
An iPhone as we all know is very expensive. Because it is expensive, counterfeit gadgets can sell at the same price if buyers cannot tell the difference. Aside from swindlers, there are also people who would like to have an iPhone for a much lower price making clones popular.
This is practically illegal but in some countries, controlling the sale of counterfeit items is hard to control.
The physical differences between a fake iPhone and a genuine one.
Here are some of the things you should note if you think someone is trying to sell you a fake iPhone. You can check the appearance and tell whether it is real or not;
- The box - sometimes the box is bigger than the actual iPhone box, which you can check if you have one with you. Inside the box, you might see a plastic bag which the phone is placed inside. Original iPhones do not have these plastic bags or screen protectors. You might also see freebies inside like a stylus or tempered glass when it is a fake model.
- The buttons - the buttons at the side of the phone should be in the right places. In fake ones, the buttons may be plastic. The mute button of the iPhone should be easy to move in real models but with fakes, they are often stiff.
- The material of the cover - as for the material, you can check the back of the iPhone and tap it with your fingers. It should make a metallic sound and not a plastic sound. The gadget should be hefty in your hands and smooth around the edges. Any ridges you feel should be a red flag.
The differences of the fake vs real iPhone in terms of OS and smoothness
If you are allowed to operate the iPhone, you should try to see whether the screen and icons transition smoothly when you swipe.
There should be no delay if you are holding a real model. You should also try to see the camera quality. If it is grainy and washed out, you will know immediately that that is not a real iPhone.
If you try to play music, you can also hear that the speakers are not as clear as they should be when compared to the real one. Another thing is, try to access the iTunes and the Appstore. These icons should take you to the iTunes and the Appstore in genuine iPhones, but if it is a fake, it could take you to the Play store or Spotify.