Google’s Pixel 2 Android smartphone would be the first handset to be powered by Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 836 system-on-chip (SoC), which is the revision of the Snapdragon 835 processor. Qualcomm’s new chipset is expected to arrive with the higher peak CPU as well as GPU clock speeds. Nonetheless, This feature could be the edge of Pixel 2 over Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Note 8.

The search engine giant’s forthcoming Android smartphone will arrive with one feature that would be missing from the Galaxy Note 8. As reported by Express, previous reports were claiming that Samsung’s handset would be the first mobile device to get Qualcomm’s new processor. However, according to Trusted Reviews, the new chipset could debut on the Google Pixel 2 smartphone.

Nonetheless, Google nor Qualcomm did not confirm whether the Snapdragon 836 chipset will be featured in both, Pixel 2 as well as Pixel XL 2. But, the new processor will come with an incremental performance improvement than its predecessor, which was featured in mobile devices such as HTC U11, OnePlus 5 and Galaxy S8.

Specs of Walleye

However, the smaller variant Google Pixel 2 will be dubbed as the Walleye. The smartphone will come along with a 4.97-inch 1080p display. The device will be packed with a 4GB of RAM and a 64GB of internal storage. The design of the handset will supposedly resemble its predecessor. The Walleye will ditch the 3.5mm headphone jack; the device will be available with a set of stereo speakers instead.

Taimen’s specs and features

The Pixel 2 XL, on the other hand, will be called as the Taimen. The larger Google smartphone will feature a 5.99-inch 1440p LG OLED display with 2:1 aspect ratio. The search engine giant has invested nearly $900 million in the OLED panels of LG for Taimen.

The mobile device will be equipped with a 4GB of RAM and a 128GB of internal storage.

The smartphone will also come along with a glass window on the back, a smaller bezel and a single camera with dual LED flash. But, both Taimen and Walleye will have pressure-sensitive frames.

Speaking about the release date of the Google smartphones, the company’s SVP of Hardware, Rick Osterloh, stated that the smartphone industry has an annual rhythm, so tech fans can count on the company to follow it. Thus, the tech giant is expected to unleash the devices in October, which was the same month last year Google rolled out their predecessors. The prices of Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are expected to rise by at least $50 over their predecessors.