Apple’s Siri-powered speaker, HomePod, will not be available until December, but the tech company may have wanted to share more details about its upcoming device. The Cupertino based tech titan has released the firmware of the HomePod speaker, wherein, several developers have managed to examine the tech giant’s smart speaker.
Apple unleashed the firmware of the device, and developers, like Steve Troughton-Smith, acquired essential details about the Amazon Echo competitor.
While the developer examines the HomePod, the developer found out that the smart speaker will run the full iOS stack. According to MacRumors, the essential details seem to suggest that the device would resemble an iPhone, but without a screen.
HomePod speaker’s firmware, dubbed as the AudioAccessory1, 1, also made it known that the full iOS stack might depend on the SoundBoard app. The developer revealed that the apps of the firmware are prefixed with Air. However, Troughton-Smith stated that he has not unearthed any provision for third-party applications. But, the tech company could always add more developer opportunities in the future after rolling out the core experience.
The developer also found the codes for the plus and minus controls of the Siri-powered device. Troughton-Smith pointed out that the controls would be LED buttons. Nonetheless, the developer also spotted some of the device’s functions, such as the volume changer, Siri launcher, as well as dismissing an alarm and the timer.
According to IB Times, while the developer was inspecting the firmware, he discovered that the device is identified as an iPhone SE smartphone. This is a bit surprising, considering that the HomePod and the iPhone SE are very different.
On-board controls of the device
Meanwhile, the on-board controls of the smart speaker are limited to adjusting the volume, setting alarms and activating Apple’s intelligent personal assistant, Siri.
However, users can activate the intelligent personal assistant by long-pressing.
Price and release date of Apple’s smart speaker
Nevertheless, tech enthusiasts who are eagerly awaiting the HomePod's release, the speaker goes on sale in the U.K., Australia and in the United States in December. The device will be up for grabs for $349, approximately £265 or AU$435. The tech company has yet to announce the international pricing of the device.