SpaceX CEO Elon Musk believes that life on earth is facing threats of extinction. Driven by this fear, the CEO initially unveiled his plans of colonizing planet Mars at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Mexico last September 2016. Recently, Musk took his next step by publishing a paper that outlined the details of his Mars invasion.

Elon Musk coined his mission to Mars as the “Interplanetary Transport System (ITS)”.

The plan aims to save the human race from extinction by shipping millions of human beings to live on Mars. Despite critic’s adverse reaction to his vision, the CEO is betting his fortune on the mission.

Elon Musk’s prints plan to create human civilization on Mars

Musk introduced his plans of conquering Mars during his talk at the IAC in September 2016. The CEO shared his vision of developing and launching an interplanetary spaceship that can carry up to a 100 passengers in a single voyage to Mars.

Access to the “ITS” was initially limited to viewing Elon Musk’s video as he presented the plan through slides.

Recently, Musk published a printed version of the “ITS” plan, making it easier for the readers to comprehend. The published version of the “ITS” is downloadable on the New Space’s Website and it is absolutely free until July 5.

Scott Hubbard believes that the printed version of the “ITS” plan will be the realization of people’s interest in space travel. He adds that the contents of the printed version is very illustrated, facilitating better understanding. He believes that the plan will contribute much to the future endeavors of space enthusiasts.

How to finance SpaceX’s mission to Mars

In past interviews, Elon Musk was questioned as to how he plans to finance his quite expensive trip to Mars. In his tweet on June 16, he mentions a second version of his plan that would ultimately address the financing and operational issues that the first version encountered.

Musk talks about a three-way plan to finance the development of the “ITS”. First, Musk intends to utilize the revenue of the SpaceX satellite broadband. The company gets billions of annual revenue from the project.

The CEO is also looking into raising finances by charging fares from interested passengers.

Recodenet cited Musk as writing,“If we can get the cost of moving to Mars to be roughly equivalent to a median house price in the United States, which is around $200,000, then I think the probability of establishing a self-sustaining civilization is very high,” he writes. “I think it would almost certainly occur.”

Finally, Musk believes that forging partnerships with various sectors interested in his project will help bring in enough financing. The million dollar question - will Musk successfully launch his trip to space and conquer Mars?