Hot on the heels of Samsung’s newest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S8, comes the OnePlus 5. OnePlus smartphones have always been labeled as flagship killers, but the South Korean electronics giant might have thrown everything they had into their latest model. Most critics agree that the S8 is currently the top-notch choice with its impressive design, screen, camera and bevy of other features that contribute to its advantage over other manufacturers.

However, the Chinese handset maker has also equipped its new product with all the necessary bells and whistles to allow it to compete with major brands and their wares.

OnePlus 5 design, hardware, and build quality

The South Korean manufacturer has finally taken a bold step towards a new design with their latest Galaxy smartphone sequel. They have opted to finally remove the physical home button and use a capacitive version instead. Additionally, the removal of the mechanical button has also relocated its fingerprint sensor on its rear cover. Meanwhile, The OnePlus 5 keeps its home button at the usual place up front in between the two capacitive buttons just below its display.

Both units feature a metal uni-body build that lends to their overall toughness. However, the S8 and S8 Plus are both using a glass panel for their rear cover. The sheet of scratch-resistant crystal actually protects the LED flash and optical heart rate sensor. Several users have also shared their feedback that the new fingerprint scanner location on the new Galaxy model is troublesome and requires users to lift the handset. Moreover, there have been reports that it is sometimes inaccurate and does not register a finger over the pad. OnePlus opts to enclose its phone with a matte metal back cover that is slightly prone to smudges but better that a glass surface easily covered by fingerprints and other marks.

Owners of the newest Galaxy unit can also choose to unlock their phones via its iris scanner. It is also safe from extreme conditions like heavy rain and accidental submersion with an IP68-rated protection. The Chinese manufacturer strangely opts to omit any ingress protection with its newest flagship model.

OnePlus 5 cameras, features, and price

The OnePlus 5 follows the latest smartphone camera trend, wherein most brands like Apple, Huawei, and Oppo have installed dual-cameras as their main shooters. Samsung, on the other hand, chooses to employ a single image sensor just like its predecessors, but it has been reviewed and found out that the S8’s camera is the king in low-light situations.

An Alert Slider also makes the 5 stand out from other Android handsets.

Just like the physical Ring/Silent toggle on Apple’s iPhones, the switch allows users to choose from three different notification settings on the fly.

Other features that put the South Korean company’s latest model above the Chinese handset are wireless charging, Samsung Pay, and better display resolution. Therefore, most users who prefer to have a top-shelf performance for a lesser price will certainly go for the latter model, while the rest who want more bang for their buck will definitely love the S8 or S8 Plus.