Mario is an iconic character that became part of the gamers lives in the 80's and the 90s. In fact, when you ask people about a particular game in those days, you will always hear them mention the game one way or another. It appears now Nintendo is reintroducing the hyperactive character in a jumper to the new generation of players today. Reports say the Japanese gaming giant will release a new game called "Super Mario: Odyssey."

What's the game all about?

"Super Mario: Odyssey" is a 3D Mario game in the genealogy of "SM 64" and "SM Galaxy." The game will be played in an expansive environment where the world is divided into open-ended levels.

In other words, this is a sandbox style game that apparently has no absolute beginning and end. This upcoming game will take players into diverse real-world locations using his flying ship to go to different places.

Various locations

In the previous Mario games, the jumper wearing character explored the Mushroom Kingdom. However, in this upcoming installment, fans will experience a whole new world that totally departs from its predecessors. There will be real-world looking environments and one example is the stage called New Donk City. A vivid resemblance of the modern New York City as it scattered with vehicles, towering skyscrapers, and of course the pedestrians.


The upcoming title that will be released to Nintendo Switch will also have new moves given that the game is a sandbox type, the character will have the potential of performing a new set of moves as compared to its predecessors.

Players will be able to let the jumper character hop into the heads of enemies, jump off the walls and grab enemies legs. The mustached plumber's cap is now interactive and can be tossed to make temporary platforms. In one of the trailers of the game, there was also an instance where Mario rolls and turned himself into a ball.

Release date, and other game details

The upcoming Nintendo Switch game, "Super Mario: Odyssey" is expected to make a grand debut at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in middle of June. The game is expected to be made available to all gamers across the globe. The publisher has not yet officially released the price of the upcoming game.

However, there are anticipations from analysts that it will retail at approximately $49.99 or £49.99. We will publish more information about the game as soon as official information becomes available. For now, you can find its latest trailer below. Enjoy!