The Internet is brimming with all sorts of reports hinting at an imminent arrival of the next installment in the 'Red Dead' series. Dubbed as 'Red Dead Redemption 2,' the hit open-world western action-adventure video game is reportedly slated to be announced later this year.

Rumors surrounding the hotly anticipated title's PC version have been hard to come by, but much to the delight of PC players, latest reports suggest they will also be able to delve into the much-awaited Wild West Themed adventure, despite the lack of an official announcement.

When is 'RDR2' coming?

Earlier this month, an alleged screenshot of 'RDR 2' surfaced online, and while many deemed it genuine, others remained unimpressed. It later turned out that the image was associated with an entirely different game. Apparently, the said game was an MMO (Massively multiplayer online game) bearing the title, 'Wild West Online’ and, looking for funding on Kickstarter. There's hearsay; this is an upcoming western themed game which will be released on PC.

'RDR2' PC launch

More and more reports have been pointing to a looming 'RDR 2' PC launch. According to recently divulged shreds of information, the popular game developer could resort to the same strategy that it earlier adopted to boost sales of 'GTA V.' In other words, Rockstar Games could keep details about a PC version of the game under wraps thus creating more hype around the purported title.

It can be recalled when 'GTA V' was released for the PC, it emerged as a significant edition of the video game. It will be hardly surprising if a PC port of the long-rumored 'Red Dead Redemption 2' garners the same level of popularity. However, if avid gamers already knew that a PC version of the game is in the offing in the near future, many would wait and only purchase that edition.

Some optimistic PC gamers believe a playable version of 'RDR 2' will land on PCs sooner rather than later. This speculation stems from Rockstar's decision to release 'GTA V' on PC without even mentioning it during the initial release. Moreover, a leak coming from a popular DRM provider earlier this year added more fire to the already burning rumors about 'RDR 2' PC edition.

DRM providers actually help curb piracy.

'RDR' oriented website, recently reported that Denuvo Software Solutions might have spilled the beans about a new Rockstar PC launch. The report indicated that Rockstar Games would be employing Denuvo (which is used on PC) henceforth. If the studio is gearing up to use it, this clearly indicates it is hard at works on something for PC. That being said, the studio's only upcoming game, according to multiple sources is 'Red Dead Redemption 2.'

It's worth noting that Rockstar released the PC port for 'GTA 5' nearly two years after original launch. As expected, this has led 'Red Dead' fans to believe the PC port will not arrive anytime soon. Nevertheless, it is definitely in the cards.