KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo announced that Apple will introduce its Siri speaker at the Worldwide Developer Conference in early June. Dubbed as the company’s first home AI product, it could be the biggest competitor of the Amazon Echo. The gadget will be considered a premium alternative as it is reported to have a subwoofer and seven tweeters to deliver an excellent sound quality.
The fabled smart speaker is reported to have a powerful processor, which is comparable to the A8 or A9 in the older generations of iPhones. Naturally, the Siri-equipped speaker is expected to be well integrated with other Apple devices like iOS, Mac, and AirPlay. It comes with a higher price tag to match as well.
Can Apple put a dent on Amazon Echo’s market share?
Though fans may be able to take a sneak peak of the product in June, there is no definite date for its release on the market. Kuo reported that the premium speaker may arrive in the second half of the year. It could mean July, but it could also be during the fall season.
Analysts say that Apple is itching to launch something soon. The AI market is getting bigger and Apple cannot simply ignore it anymore. Amazon is rumored to have a touchscreen Echo speaker in the works. Even Google Home is not sitting still and is reported to be growing rapidly in terms of consumer preferences.
To get a sizable chunk of the smart speaker market, Apple has to ensure that the Siri speaker will not captivate only the hearts of the loyal iOS users but others who don't use iOS as well. It is predicted that the Amazon Echo could outsell the iPad in 2018.
More of Siri speaker’s product profile
Kuo did not give insight on the physical appearance of the rumored home gadget from Apple. Sonny Dickson, who is also considered an Apple leaker, said that the speaker may have a Mac Pro inspired style design.
He also claims that it will have a mesh covering similar to UE’s Boom portable Bluetooth speaker. What Kuo highlights is the superior acoustic performance and computing power of the device. It could have a similar integrated SoC as iPhone 6 or iPhone 6S processors.
Though the Siri speaker is not yet officially announced by Apple, analysts already expect that it will ship an average of 10 million units the first year of its availability. The smart digital assistant has already made a leap from mobile to desktop and is expected to knock on the doors of consumers soon. It is reported to be manufactured by Inventec, which is the same company that produces the wireless AirPods.