With the launch of the Apple iPhone 8 just months away, Apple is making a desperate attempt to inspire the loyalty of current iPhone users. The latest camera tips will help current users get the most from their cameras, make better photos, and get more from their current devices. With the price tag of iPhone 8 predicted to be over $1,000, many users may want to hold onto their current devices longer.

Apple debuts new commercials to make iPhone 7 Plus more exciting

CNET reported that while most Apple customers are focused on the release of the iPhone 8, Apple is making a desperate attempt to show users why they need to use the current devices.

Last week Apple released its latest commercials that take place in a barber shop. The commercial is focused on is how well the iPhone makes landscape photos. The photos are then displayed in the window of the barbershop. The theme of the commercial is that the current devices can help small business owners get more business, and they can do it by making great pictures.

Like the customers in the commercial, the point of the commercial is that a simple act of getting a haircut means that a person can be transformed. By using the iPhone to make photos, businesses can get more from the phone and transform their images, which makes their businesses more exciting and helps to get more customers.

Apple shows how to make better pictures with current devices

BGR reported that Apple wants to teach customers how to make gorgeous photos using the iPhone 7 Plus. The reason is that Apple has spent a lot of time developing its camera and has hundreds of engineers committed to the task. With so much invested in the camera, the company wants to make sure it uses its camera technology to create loyal customers.

Although Apple released several "shot on iPhone" ads, the company also released several video clips on YouTube to teach customers how to get more from their iPhones. The five clips that were released were designed to show users of the iPhone 7 Plus how to get more from their cameras. One of the reasons Apple may be making an effort to help customers is that the release of the 8th edition has been delayed by about two months.

The current 7 series contains the best camera experience to date and its 5.5-inch model comes with a dual camera mode that includes the exclusive portrait mode, something shown in the commercials. Apple's most current models include the dual cameras. Although short, about 40 seconds each, the video clips show users how to get the most out of their cameras.