"Resident Evil 7" was launched in January 2017 and received positive feedback for maintaining the spirit of the series. Although there were several who questioned the developers' move to switch the view from the third person to the first, fans still embraced it. The team soon after released the Banned Footage downloadable content Volume 1 and Volume 2. The developer promised that additional free content, an epilogue expansion titled Not a Hero, will be released in spring of 2017.
Not a Hero free DLC
Not A Hero DLC is one of much-awaited downloadable content because it features the popular and fan-favorite character-Chris Redfield. The star, at the finale of the game, was shown to be working for the intriguing and mysterious Umbrella Corporation.
The upcoming free downloadable content has been delayed because it was not able to meet the high requirement expectations set by its base game. This was explained by "Resident Evil 7" Game Director Koshi Nakanishi, together with Producer Masachicka Kawata and Executive Producer Jun Takeuchi. Aside from that the executives also gave an update about the add-on's development and the reason it is still not fit for gamers' consumption.
Kawata further asked fans to give them more time to come up with an expansion that could match the expectations of the fans as well as the performance of the base game. The executive added that the delayed DLC will still be free when it will be released in the future.
New DLC inbound
Aside from announcing the delayed release of the highly anticipated "Resident Evil 7" Not a Hero DLC, Executive Producer Jun Takeuchi, hinted on more upcoming downloadable content. He said that the team is currently working on a new DLC that the team wishes to release soon. He added that they are hoping that both upcoming contents will meet the gamers' expectations and set standards. The producer was also apologetic and asked for understanding for the recent delay of the free DLC.
Moreover, he asked for the fans' continued support for the game.
Although the developer has already teased fans about more upcoming content, no details have been revealed yet. As per the release date of the delayed free update, the team also has not provided any information. We will keep you posted about "Resident Evil 7" along with its upcoming contents, free expansion, and all other info related to the game. We will publish more articles as more information become available.