Apple has released two new Ipad Pro Video Ads, which showcases Twitter feeds of real users. In addition to Apple Pencil, the latest ad reveals the real purpose of the integrated scanner and recording capabilities. The first ad mainly features the power of writing notes using iPad Pro. Meanwhile, the second video examines the importance of eliminating various accessories such as scanner since it has been integrated with the tablet.

Easily write notes on your iPad Pro

With a total running time of 0.16 seconds, the ad has masked the real user with their respective Twitter handle along with the message. After the first frame, the ad displays the tablet. Moreover, it displays a user who writes notes by scribbling on display. Moreover, the ad displays all the marked portions on the iPad. The main purpose of the ad is to motivate students to make use of the Apple Pencil for their study and work related activities by avoiding traditional notebooks. You can not only use the tablet to write notes but also to capture video of the classroom sessions.

Replace all accessories with the tablet

In the second video, Apple demonstrates the possibility to replace accessories such as a scanner, paper pad, smartphones, laptop, handhelds and other related devices with iPad Pro. Like in the first video, the second ad also replaced the head of the user with the relevant Twitter feed.

The message states that there are too many items on the desk and displays them on the table. The presenter says that iPad Pro ships with scanner and notepad and hence can be replaced with the conventional items.

In the recent past, the Tim Cook-owned company has shared video ads which examine the features associated with 4G LTE, speed, Apple Pencil in addition to apps such as Microsoft Word.

Apple's existing iPad Pro line-up has been waiting for an upgrade for a long time. Hence, the company is scheduled to launch new iPad series in March or April. Under the hood, the upcoming iPad Pro will feature a 10.5-inch edge-to-edge display, enhanced processor and storage capacity up to 1TB. Moreover, the company is planning to unveil the tablet with three display variants such as 7.9-inch, 9.7-inch, and 12.9-inch respectively.