The sprawling new headquarters of Apple will open In April 2017. In a communiqué dated February 20, 2017, the Cupertino-based company said that the first employees would start moving into the campus in April. However the construction is not complete, and the landscaping work will also continue. However, employees will not face any problem. More than 12,000 employees are presently working at the electronic giant’s Cupertino-based office in California.

The new headquarters will be named as The Apple Park.

Dream project of late Steve Job

The completion of the Apple Park will fulfill a dream which its co-founder had but could not complete it in his lifetime cut short by pancreatic cancer. It was his idea to built a headquarter which will serve as a Mecca for Apple employees to innovate groundbreaking devices. It was planned to be opened in 2015 but is still not complete.

The headquarters has many firsts to its name. A unique feature is the 17-megawatt solar installation on the roof which will be one of the biggest in the world. Every aspect of providing a proper and healthy environment to its workforce has been thought of.

There are more than 9000 trees which have been planted on the sprawling campus. It is well ventilated and will not require any heating or cooling for eight months in a year.

The most important part of the compound is a 1000 seat auditorium which has been named after its charismatic co-founder Steve. In fact, Steve thought much beyond his times, and this found an echo in the Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook’s who in a statement which called his vision revolutionary and far ahead of his times.

Green and Eco-friendly

The workspaces and leisure areas have been designed to inspire and improve productivity and also provoke the employees to think beyond the usual realm of the ordinary. Steve had once said that instead of individuals, his company needs characters who can express themselves in a creative way.

The complex is sprawling and expansive offering features like a two-mile walk along the scenic and green lanes to sooth the nerves. There are running paths, orchards, a meadow and a pond within the complex.