Donald Trump is still not letting go of his rift with the National Football League (NFL), despite the overwhelmingly backlash that has occurred. In his latest rant, the president predicted that the league's business will start to suffer unless they ban the protesting.

Trump on NFL

It's been almost one week since Donald Trump lit the match in his feud with the NFL when he called on team owners to fire those who protest the National Anthem before games. Not stopping there, the former host of "The Apprentice" went on to refer to the players who protest as a "son of a bitch." In the days that followed, the story became headlines news, dominating the coverage on both political programs and sports shows.

On Sunday, just two days after the president's remarks, over 200 players took part in a protesting demonstration to push back against Trump. Mega sports starts like the NBA's LeBron James even spoke out on several occasions, on social media and in interviews to criticize the president's comments. Trump hasn't held back, however, as the commander on chief has continued his attack on a daily basis on social media, and during a recent run-in with reporters, as reported by C-SPAN on September 27.

As Donald Trump was headed to board Air Force One before making to trip to Indiana to give a speech on tax reform on Wednesday, he met up with a group of reporters.

As expected, the president was once again grilled on the back and forth with the NFL and its players, and Trump didn't keep quiet. "I think the NFL is in a box, I think they’re in a really bad box," Trump said, before adding, "You look at what’s happening with their ratings."

Not stopping there, Donald Trump attacked the NFL for allegedly losing part of their audience, saying that the only part of the show that is getting attention is the pre-game celebration to see if there is a protest during the national anthem.

"You cannot have people disrespecting our national anthem, our flag, our country," Trump went on to say, before predicting that if the NFL doesn't change, "their business is gonna go to hell."

Moving forward

While Donald Trump continues to attack the NFL and the world of sports, he has many other pressing issues facing him in the White House.

With the news coming down that several Republican senators will not vote in favor of the GOP bill to replace Obamacare, Trump's top campaign promise appears to have failed again. With his preferred candidate in Luther Strange losing in the Republican Senate run-off in Alabama, and his slow response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico, only time will tell if Trump will be able to recover from his bad week.