For those in the hockey world that haven't heard, former Leafs player and now currently a New Jersey Devils player, Brian Boyle has been diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia. As sad as this is, Boyle is staying positive.

What is trending over social media is that he is blown away by all the support both him and his family have received. He claims that he has been getting support from people in the hockey community that he has never even met before.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspect of the situation, Boyle is focusing on the positive, which is the care and support he is receiving.

He has learned that people are truly genuine and great. Who would have thought getting cancer would create a life lesson?


All he is asking for is continuous prayers and support. It is something that he will accept and that would be much appreciated. Boyle is without a doubt representing himself as a great example of how to handle getting cancer. When you are faced with adversity or with receiving tragic news like this, it is always common to focus on the negative.

But by Boyle focusing on getting better and on the positive side with all the support from people, this is something that many of us could learn from. Ninety percent of life is how we react to things and only ten percent is what happens to us in life.

Boyle has been able to stay positive as his friends have asked many over social media to send their prayers out to him.

Skate together fight together

"Skate together, fight together," this is what he said and shared on Twitter. Such an inspirational quote for many people and hockey players. In addition a great way of looking at a tough situation like getting cancer.

At the end of the day, it is always upsetting when anyone is diagnosed with cancer. But it looks as though the hockey world and people are behind Boyle. Whether one is a Devils fan or not, everyone seems to be rooting for him, which is fantastic.

It definitely won't be easy battling cancer, but it is possible.

Brian Boyle is definitely a hockey player that doesn't go unnoticed. Many people have fought cancer and have won the battle. It is important to remain strong and stay positive, which Boyle is already doing. There continues to be so much support on Twitter, especially Leaf fans, as Boyle was a former Leaf player.

A hashtag that is now trending on twitter is #boylestrong. It is without question a phrase that represents so much truth and by people posting this hashtag, it is bringing forth so much awareness to Boyle, which is amazing.