Anthony Lynn shows great promise as the coach of the Chargers, but he is not getting the results he wants at the moment. The Team was beset by turnovers in their first preseason game, and they must clean those turnovers up if they wish to become a solid team in the current season. Someone who is a fan of the Chargers should be concerned that this season will fall victim to undisciplined play, and the team will be put on a timer that will see changes sooner rather than later.

He is a young coach

Anthony has players on his team that are about his age or older.

He must spend quite a lot of time convincing the team to be as disciplined as possible, and he must sell them on the fact that they must be wise about how they play the game. That many grown men who are doing anything they want will create an undisciplined team, and his youth will play a part in how he is being treated.

Poor ownership

The ownership of the Chargers has been called into question many times in the past, and Dean Spanos has not shown a willingness to support the people around him. Anthony Lynn may simply be a young hire that would engender confidence in the fan base while they move to Los Angeles. There is no reason to believe that Lynn will receive the support he needs if he cannot turn the team around.

The vicious cycle of coaches

Anthony Lynn will come into the second season of his tenure with the Chargers as a lame duck coach who could be fired after two years simply because he could not discipline his own team. Anthony is not in a position to command respect from his team because he is a new coach, and the team could continue its undisciplined play.

The team will get him fired because it has not bought into his philosophy of football, and they will need to replace their coach after two seasons. Firing someone after two seasons is an unproductive way to run a football team, but Dean Spsnos would make the move because he is one of the worst owners in the league.

Philip Rivers needs to help

The only hope that Lynn has to help the team become more of a team and less of an undisciplined unit is to ask Philip Rivers to lead. Asking Rivers to pull the team along will help the older guys on the team buy into any concepts that Lynn wants to use, and someone who is unsure of his coaching philosophy today may be ready to work with Lynn in the future.

Asking Anthony Lynn to fix the Chargers in one season is an impossible task, but NFL teams have unrealistic expectations which could cost Lynn his job.