Usman Umar finally shared the music video for his song I Love You on his social media accounts. This got the "90 Day Fiancé" fans asking about the status of his relationship with fellow cast member Lisa Hamme. Umar, also known as SojaBoy in his home country, revealed the music video on his Instagram. He posted a few screencaps of the video and then linked them to the clip in his Instagram Story highlights. He also encouraged his fans and followers to air their thoughts about the clip in the comments section. Majority of the fans trolled Usman by calling Lisa "Grandma Lisa" and asking him where she is in the video.
Fans remembered that Umar wrote the song with Hamme in mind. He even used his pet name for her, “baby girl,” in the lyrics of the song. Because of this, there were a lot of questions about the relationship of the two "Before the 90 Days" stars. Many of the comments seemed to like the model Umar’s management picked for the video. A few of them expressed joy that he did not decide to remove her from the video, as Hamme previously demanded.
Will jealousy destroy the career of Usman Umar?
A lot of the followers of "90 Day Fiancé" slammed Lisa Hamme because of her possessiveness. They think that it is highly possible that she will derail the flourishing career of Usman Umar because she gets jealous so easily.
It can be recalled that the music video is precisely the project that had Hamme butting heads with Umar’s management. She did not appreciate that her boyfriend appeared with a model in the clip because she believed that the song was about her.
She lobbied hard for Umar to edit the model out from the music video. It became such a contentious issue for his team that Umar’s friend had to tell Hamme that she could have a negative impact on his career.
Even before he met Hamme, Umar already had a significant career in Nigeria. Not only was he a rapper, but he was also an entertainer. He especially had a huge following among women in the country.
Lisa Hamme visits Umar in Nigeria
The recent Nigeria trip was the first time that Lisa Hamme and Usman Umar ever saw each other in person.
The "90 Day Fiancé" couple had already been in an online relationship for years so they tried to make up for lost time. In a previous "Before the 90 Days" episode, Hamme visited the house that Umar lived in. Much to her surprise, she saw a poorly-managed household. She did not expect that a Nigerian celebrity like her fiancé would live in such a place.
She was especially disappointed at the sight of his bedroom and bathroom. It was then that she said that she was thankful she chose to stay in a hotel instead. Despite her disappointment with Umar’s home, it looked like she enjoyed his company very much. Because of this, their public displays of affection have become an uncomfortable sight to their friends.