Friday's episode, of "The Young and the Restless," will have several issues wrapped up quickly. A new dynamic unfolds between Adam, and Chelsea when he decides to leave town and breaks Conne's heart. Later the bad-boy son fives the keys to his condo to Phyllis and continues to ignore a summons to the Newman ranch for his father's funeral. Everything comes to a head when Adam receives a text that sends him to the ranch and he comes face to face with his dad, saying, "Well played." At the same time, the GCPD has been keeping surveillance on the pharmacist who claimed Victoria tried to kill Victor.
She is caught at the airport attempting to flee Genoa City and, once apprehended, tells all.
Adam tries to flee
On Friday's "Y&R" episode, rumors indicate that Adam becomes rattled thinking about all he has done. He tells Chelsea that he is no good and must leave town. She begs him not to do this to Conner after desperately wanting to be in his life. The little boy comes out and cries as he pleads with his father not to leave him. It is a touching moment seeing Adam so vulnerable and realizing the evil he harbors inside. He tells his son that Nick will be a great dad for him but the child says he does no want Nick as his father. Adam then goes to his penthouse where he deals with Phyllis and tells her he is leaving Genoa City behind.
"The Young and the Restless" picks up the pace, on Friday, which may surprise viewers because of how slowly this storyline had been crawling. Phyllis frantically points out all the reasons why the bad boy Newman cannot leave and he explains that he cannot attend the memorial service for his father. He gives the keys to his condo to Phyllis and walks out.
At the same time Nick, Victoria, and Nikki are wondering if Adam will walk into the trap they have set for him. The Newman patriarch says he knows his son better than anyone and is certain he will take the bate.
Victor emerges
As Adam leaves his penthouse he gets another text and is shown, next, face to face with Victor. The prodigal smiles as he says, "Well played dad." In the meantime, Paul has been keeping tabs on the pharmacist who said Victoria paid her to switch Victors medication.
They find that she is about to board a plane and leave Genoa City so the GCPD apprehends her. She sings like a bird and tells the whole story, so Vicki is off the hook. Now "Y&R" must deal with all the fallout because Victor has emerged alive.
Nate will be in trouble for falsifying records and Victor could face charges for faking his death. Adam naturally will be prosecuted for tampering with prescription drugs and paying off the pharmacist. All of Genoa city will be reeling at this latest stunt and police chief Paul Williams definitely will not like what has been going on. Summer, was the only adult Newman who was not let in on the secret and she will more than likely spiral out control. Be sure to stay tuned to "The Young and the Restless" because the excitement is only just beginning.