The Young and the Restless” has finally turned a corner where Chadam is concerned. Chelsea’s husband died after they had a heated argument and now Adam wants to swoop in. Calvin Boudreaux said some troubling things to his wife before he died, that shook her to the core and she now must deal with them head on and alone. There is now nothing to stop the prodigal Newman from having his dream come true, but Nick and Phyllis are on the periphery. Each has an agenda and both will probably do all they can to prevent Adam and Chelsea from getting back together.

There is also a reason Calvin Boudreaux made a brief appearance in Genoa City but that has not yet been revealed.

'Y&R' quickly kills off Chelsea’s husband

"The Young and the Restless” only had Gordon Thompson in Genoa City for about 24 hours before his character dropped dead. The former Dynasty star portrayed Chelsea’s husband Calvin Boudreaux who fell dead on Friday. The couple had been arguing because Calvin went to see Adam behind his wife’s back. He also decided that Conner should be with his biological father and that he and his spouse should have a child of their own. The reason for Mr. Boudreaux's brief appearance is not yet known, but his death sets the stage for a possible Chadam reunion.

"The Young and the Restless" viewers know that Adam and Chelsea getting back together will not be quick or easy. She will first mourn her spouse and, of course, there will be obstacles along the way. Two of them are Nick and Phyllis. Victor’s firstborn son may consider reuniting with Chelsea himself, just to keep her from his brother.

Phyllis could decide to have a fling with Adam just to get under everyone’s skin.

'Y&R' begins the fight for Chelsea and Conner

”The Young and the Restless” has officially opened the door for a battle royale. Chelsea’s emotions will be all over the place as her deceased husband adopted Conner and gave him his name. This was her selling point for why she did not want Adam to see his son, but now all bets are off.

Calvin is no longer in the picture and Chelsea has no excuse for keeping her son from his biological dad. Soap Dirt indicates that Adam will do everything he can to win his wife back, but Celeb Dirty Laundry teases that it’s a losing battle that will send Adam back into arms of Sharon.

'Y&R’ spoilers had been preparing viewers for the great Chadam reunion but CDL says it won’t happen, at least not now. Chelsea will continue to reject her former spouse even though her new husband is dead. She obviously does not realize that with Adam alive and well, her marriage to Calvin was not legal and possibly not Conner’s adoption either. It’s looking like Victor’s prodigal son may have some tights with at least one of his boys so stay tuned. Remember to be on the lookout for updated spoilers as they become available.