“Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo, joins with Nick...TV show...Baby Shark.”
If we have not driven you away with that popular yet annoying song, then listen to this. Over three years since the song “Baby Shark” made it big on YouTube and Billboard, and becoming a baneful sound on parents’ ears equal to “Let It Go,” it will be made into an animated series. Indeed, the South Korean educational brand behind the video is collaborating with Viacom’s Nickelodeon network to make a TV cartoon adaptation.
Team-up between Nick, SmartStudy, and Pinkfong
A spokesperson for Nickelodeon tells CNN that the network and Viacom subsidiary is partnering with SmartStudy, the educational entertainment brand from South Korea, to make a young viewer-oriented animated series based on the “Baby Shark” song. SmartStudy also handles early-age educational entertainment media through their Pinkfong branch, the mascot of which is a cute animated fox. But it was their interpretation of a classic campfire song about a family of sharks that made the company a visible international presence. Pinkfong himself features in the popular “Baby Shark” video, which has been viewed close to 3 billion times and liked over 7 million times on YouTube.
Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products President Pam Kaufman noted in a statement that “Baby Shark” is a phenomenon that crosses all platforms of media. They are thus looking to capitalize on the current trend of kids wanting more “Baby Shark” stuff in both media content and merchandise. Kaufman adds that their animation team is doing their best to deliver a new and endearing cartoon for preschool audiences that will both thrill and entertain. The sentiment is echoed by Nickelodeon Animation executive VP Ramsey Naito, who sees a great opportunity for the children’s network to make a show of the popular song.
Fun for all ages
The “Baby Shark” video from SmartStudy and Pinkfong first appeared on YouTube in November of 2015.
The Hollywood Reporter has it that Nick is really excited to have it as part of their network content lineup. Ramsey Naito has hinted that the overall premise of the show is to tell the further adventures of the shark family from the song: Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, and Baby Shark of course. While parents may grouse, the young target audience will certainly not mind more repeats of the catchy ditty, which actually spent 20 weeks on the Billboard Top 100. This is the latest in Nickelodeon’s current direction of finding new shows by developing content from the internet. They have already turned the "Ryans ToyReview" YouTube series into the April-launched "Ryan's Mystery Playdate."