All of what makes “America's Got Talent” wonderful, inspiring, and irresistible was on full display on June 19, in Week 4 of the Season 14 auditions. Truly, there was something for everyone in the evening’s offerings, even in the rodent category. Melissa Arleth was the first brave soul to step on the “America's Got Talent” stage, and she didn't come alone.
The animal lover and trainer brought her most beloved rat, Hanta (named after hantavirus) and she explained that more understudies, Varicella and Pneumonia, were available backstage, if necessary.
Howie Mandel inquired about whether it was an act or an infestation that he was about to see. The diligent brown rat was certainly stalwart and determined, going through every motion and passage of the Rube Goldberg machine that her mistress designed, even crossing a “bridge” created by Melissa’s wide-open legs before reaching her final hoop to greet the crowd.
Anyone has gotta give it to Melissa and her trainee for determination. Howie Mandel dubbed the performance “incredible, unique, and entertaining.” Simon stood up for the tiny star, saying that “rats are sweet,” and Gabrielle Union just wants to see “more of Hanta” and perhaps more of her illness-branded namesakes. This was an “only on AGT moment.
Doing the impossible
It would be impossible not to fall in love with 12-year-old Ansley Burns, but Simon Cowell almost made her audition impossible. The judge was excited to hear that the tween talent wanted to sing Aretha Franklin, but when she started into “Think,” Simon could not stand her backing track. He didn't hold back, calling the performance “terrible,” and asking Ansley to sing with no backing music at all.
He offered her his “magic drink” to give her pause to collect herself, and she accepted the challenge. Conquering her nerves, she found her rhythm midway through the a cappella version of the anthem and earned the judges ovation at the end. Howie Mandel called Ansley “an amazing person,” while Gabrielle Union, said she was all something special.“ Julianne Hough assured that Ansley “crushed it” while the girl’s tears still flowed, and Simon Cowell told her that it was her personality that pulled it all together.
No adult competitor could have handled this trial any better.
SOS is the son of the quick-change artists, Sos and Vanessa, who were finalists in Season 11 on “America's Got Talent.” Their son inherited the genes for quickness, in a different way. As soon as the rocking music started, SOS was sending cards everywhere, changing colors, changing sizes, with flashing speed. As Simon Cowell noted, SOS is out to be the “cool” performer with cards. He certainly pleased the audience and the panel, but becoming a million-dollar act is doubtful. He should get much better-paying gigs now.
Sound and silence
Marcin Patrzalek has been on a quest to discover sounds not usually known on earth since she was a child.
The guitarist from Poland certainly pulled sounds from out of this world from the strings and the wood of his guitar. His mix of Beethoven's 5th Symphony and “Toxicity” by System of a Down was absolute genius, and nothing like this performer has come to “America's Got Talent” before. There's no flash here-- simply undeniable giftedness. Howie Mandel told the college freshman soon to come into the US that he would be the one teaching his instructors. There was a huge roar from the audience and the same approval from Gabrielle and Julianne. Simon Cowell said one word to go with his yes—respect.
Any viewer of talent TV is all-too-familiar with Simon Cowell’s utter loathing for karaoke. His most stinging words, other than “sounding like a bag of cats,” have been to call a performance “karaoke.” Andy Rowell works as a ticket agent at a movie theater, and he set out to win his audition, in spite of Simon’s sour taste for recorded tracks.
Rowell trotted out with his machine, and lo and behold, his selection of “Tequila.” Rowell reached back to the 1958 version by The Champs, not to last year's lovelorn drinking ballad by Dan + Shay. In the first few notes, the audience was up and moving and loving the gimmick. Predictably, Andy stepped up for his one-word high-point every time, playing it perfectly deadpan. Simon Cowell collapsed in laughter on the desk. The ploy worked, and America will be seeing Andy again.
The robotic contortion dance group, Adem Show, didn't have anything to say when they came onstage, they silently, stretched, popped, and locked in ways that were painful to see, but certainly different. The metallic sound effects and grinding audio only made the experience more palpable.
Julianne Hough deemed the group “A-mazing,” being the dance champion that she is. Howie Mandel quipped that he wanted to say both “Wow!” and “Owww!” after seeing the group. Simon said that they were definitely a different kind of act.
Delight and divine inspiration
Voices of Service is a vocal quartet with a calling to use its talent of Army voices for the healing of others in military service or simply facing life's challenges. Their performance of Katy Perry's “Rise” was absolutely unique and uplifting, in ways far beyond the perfect pitch. Gratitude came first from all the judges, for the service and the new commission that the group has accepted. This group could only be appreciated on the “America's Got Talent’’ stage, and it lifted every heart in hearing distance.
Simon Cowell quickly declared that he didn't care for the flute or the recorder anymore than he did for karaoke. Nonetheless, the audience got into a striptease-flute performance by Brandon Coprich, who got a big assist from Terry Crews, and his pulsating pectoral muscles. Simon soon rushed to give four X’s, and he was not swayed in his disdain for flute, even after a private performance by the host.
The Dominguez Poodle Revue is a family of canine trainers. They claim Dallas as their home but would love to move from their RV to something more stationary if their “America's Got Talent” future is blessed. Their collection of dogs ranged from giant poodles to a mixed breed rescued from the pound.
It wasn't so into training, but he stole Simon's heart. The canines did everything perfectly, but what made the performance so appealing was the interaction with the family, down to the youngest daughter driving away in her Little Tikes car. Let's hope that the family and their dogs will be making everyone happy for many more weeks.
Berywam is a group from France, determined to make their name in this competition. They sound like a mix of rap with orchestral beat-boxing. Like other acts of the night, their sound is very distinctive. Julianne Hough raved that she wanted to hear them “over and over and over.” Plan on seeing them around for a good while.
Anthony White is the director of Detroit Youth Choir, and a 3 ounce of good that he pours into every member of his abundant chorus came flowing back to him and everyone in earshot of “America's Got Talent” for this final performance of the night.
More than the powerful voices, the energy, and spirit of every person amplified the passion and the voices. These are kids of today, facing the toughest challenges. Their choice of Macklemore & Ryan’s “Can't Hold Us” perfectly conveyed the determination to seize this moment. In dance, in voice, in soul and spirit, these youth seized their time.
Terry Crews was in tears, saying, “that was me,“ relating to the same feelings as the singers growing up in Flint, Michigan. Simon had his arm high by the last note, as he and the other judges gave Mr. White high-fives. Howie Mandel declared that this was his moment. Gabrielle Union called it “nothing short of brilliance,” and Simon Cowell concluded that he "could win.” Mr.
Anthony already proposed that his group would be the first choir to win “America's Got Talent.” Terry Crews did more. With just seconds to go, the host affirmed that “it only takes one person to believe in a young man or woman, and you are that person, Sir,” pressing the golden buzzer.
Anthony White and his Detroit Youth Choir hold keys to a new future now, because of one decision, dedication, and one special moment.