Ashley Massaro, a former "WWE" Superstar, and a "Survivor" cast member passed away and WWE announced her death on Thursday. Aged 39, she was looking forward to her 40th birthday. Ashley shared that on Twitter on May 7. Later, on May 15, the day before her death, she went onto Twitter again and shared a post to her fans about her fans. That post now became a place where fans flock to pay their last respects and make a tribute of it. It was the last tweet she ever made.
The death of Ashley Massaro came as a terrible shock to fans of 'WWE' and 'Survivor'
The Blast reported that they picked up dispatch audio which confirmed: "officials initially responded to an unconscious female and administered CPR on the way to the hospital." It later turned out that she died and The WWE released their statement about her death. They wrote, “We are saddened to learn of the tragic death of former WWE Superstar Ashley Massaro. WWE offers its condolences to Ashley’s family and friends.”
TMZ also reported the death of Ashley. They noted that "Massaro was transported from her home in Suffolk County, NY to a nearby hospital where she died early Thursday morning." They added, "Officials would not reveal the cause of death at this point, but we're told it's being classified as "non-criminal." Most major news outlets already picked up the story.
Of course, fans went her Twitter page to pay tribute.
The last tweet Ashley Massaro posted went to her fans
Arriving on Twitter, many hundreds of fans were broken when they saw that the very last tweet she ever made, went out to them. Her tweet said, "Just answered a ton of fanmail so you guys should be receiving them soon! Love ya punx." That tweet was written the day before she died.
It would be wonderful to think that maybe she answered some of that fan mail, but her sudden and untimely death came so soon afterward, that's probably unlikely.
So many fans responded to the tweet, and really, it's heartbreaking. However, its also very moving, as so many of her fans thought that was so typical of Ashley to give them a priority during her life.
And, as she featured a lot on Raw Diva and Wrestlemania, she garnered many fans. Plus, her following from the "Survivor" series in China in 2007 joined the crowd who loved her.
The last tweet becomes a place of tribute by devastated fans of Ashley and WWE
Over on Twitter, many people went to pay their last respects. Their sorrow was tangible, as the tweet's comments became a sad tribute to the popular wrestler. Here's what some of her followers said:
- @B**: "RIP Ashley i never met you or really got see you perform but this still hurts you were the first wwe superstar past or present to follow me."
- #@Ga**: "Wow thats so sad she’s now gone RIP."
- @Ri**: "My heart is broken knowing that your Birthday was coming soon and you retweeted my post."
- @Da**: "Why would such a Angel be took from us so soon! RIP Ashley."
- @th**: "Damn your last tweet. RIP Ashley. We love you too! My condolences to your family and loved ones..."
- @W**: "At least she read how loved and appreciated she was by many people before she went out amazing person."
- @It**: "'( this was her last tweet & of course it was about her fans. Not many wrestlers spoke to her fans on the regular like she did. She followed me. This death has hit me hard man. WrestleMania 24 was my first Mania, Ashley was on that show. I will never forget that show. RIP."
Just answered a ton of fanmail so you guys should be receiving them soon! Love ya punx🤘🏼🖤
— ☆ Ashley Massaro ☆ (@ashleymassaro11) May 15, 2019
Of course, many fans hope that for now, the family will allow Ashley Massaro's Twitter account to stay up.
There are so many people would love to post their respects to this lovely woman, taken far too soon.
Have you seen the last tweet by Ashley Massaro of WWE and "Survivor?" Is your heart broken? Now you know where you can go and say your condolences to her family at her passing. Just be prepared with a box of tissues. There are some heart-wrenchers there.
Remember to follow Basting Pop for more news about WWE, "Survivor," and other sporting personalities. RIP Ashley Massaro.