“Charmed” is based on the series that aired on the WB from 1998 to 2006 which followed the lives of three sister witches known as the Charmed Ones. The CW has already renewed the series for a season two and currently airs Sunday nights with Supergirl. The pilot introduces fans to sisters Mel and Maggie Vera as they struggle with the loss of their mother meet Macy and the discovery of an older sister who their mother kept a secret.
The sisters also discover they're witches with supernatural abilities:
Macy can move things with her mind, Mel can freeze time, and Maggie can read minds. Their newfound powers make their lives complicated as they try to continue to live life as normal while fighting demons and training under the guidance of their Whitelighter Harry. Macy soon uncovers the reason why their mother gave her up was to save her life after getting a necromancer to resurrect her from the dead which came at the price of never seeing Macy again.
Last episode "You're Dead to Me" revealed another shocking twist in Macy's origins when she summons the necromancer who brought her back to life only to discover the necromancer's intentions weren't noble and whoever she brings back eventually become a demon.
"Charmed" continues to explore Maggie's relationship with Parker which took a turn when she discovered he's half demon.
The last episode took steps towards a positive change in their relationship after Parker helps save Maggie from a witch and tries to talk Macy down from killing the witch. Their relationship has been compared to the on-and-off relationship of Phoebe and Cole in the original "Charmed" series. Mel has her own relationship complications as things were seemingly blooming with Jada when her ex Niko who erased their time together to protect her. Harry discovered after his time spent in Tartarus, memories of his past life, and with Mel's help finds his son who looks at from afar. The series stars Madeleine Mantock, Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffrey, Rupert Evans, Ser'Darius Blain, Nick Hargrove, and Ellen Tamaki.
Familiar faces arrive on 'Charmed'
Two familiar faces will be appearing in upcoming episodes of the “Charmed” reboot and will no doubt make life interesting for the Charmed Ones. Former “The Originals” star, Leah Pipes will recur as Fiona Callahan who is Harry's former charge and the sister of Elder Charity. It's currently unknown how the sisters and Harry will be interacting with Fiona. Also appearing in an upcoming episode is “Roswell, New Mexico” and “Pretty Little Liars” star Tyler Blackburn who takes on the role of the demon Viralis who has a cult following thanks to his ability see into the human soul and uses this to draw out their desires.
A pixie makes things whimsical
The next episode of “Charmed” finds the situation gaining a little whimsy when the sisters meet a pixie.
The press release from the CW teases a potential Parker and Maggie team-up when he clues Maggie into a possible demonic related death on campus. The sisters seek out the help of Harry (Rupert Evans) to enact a plan to capture the being, but matters quickly take an unusual turn when they discover who can be affected by the being's powers.
The episode also finds Galvin (Ser'Darius Blain) attempting to help Macy (Madeleine Mantock) by seeking help from his memories of his grandma's stories. The promo shows a delightful scene of Parker skipping, with a confused Maggie keeping up, and Harry suggesting all they need is to sing. The episode is entitled "Manic Pixie Nightmare" and airs March 3.
The episode “Touched by a Demon” follows, taking a darker turn as Macy uses TV Shows to cope with her demon situation, but things quickly take a turn for the stranger.
The teaser photos show Harry (Rupert Evans), Mel, and Maggie attempting to help Macy with a few unusual characters. "Charmed" continues to explore the complicated love life of Mel as her ex has returned in her life without any memory of their relationship and a new witch has started catching her eye.
The episode finds Mel (Melonie Diaz) on the search for whoever is after Jada (Aleyse Shannon) which brings her and Jada joining forces with Niko (Ellen Tamaki) for help. This will make things interesting for Mel as she's also exploring the scope of her abilities with Jada's help as her powers expand and questioning what the Elders have planned. Meanwhile, Parker (Nick Hargrove) and Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) seem to have rekindled their romance as the press release teases them making a strange discovery when they move to the next level in their relationship. The episode airs March 10.