On, "The Young and the Restless," the cover-up crew is about to face a troubling new challenge. Sharon, Nikki, Victoria, and Phyllis will be shocked when they find out the real reason Arturo's brother is in Genoa City. Spoiler alerts from Soaps She Knows tease that he will cause Nick to end up in trouble with the GCPD. Celeb Dirty Laundry indicates that Rey is going to reveal all and cause trouble in Genoa City at a most inopportune time. During the launch of Nick's new company Dark Horse, the undercover cop will admit that he is not a debt collector and arrest Victor's son for using J.T.
Helstrom's credit cards.
Rey will show his true colors
Rey has been lying by first saying he was a businessman, then later telling Sharon and Victoria he is investigating credit card fraud and wants to find out about purchases made on J.T.'s credit cards. Sharon slips and admits that Mr. Helstrom is not the guilty party but she does not give her fiance away. "Y&R" spoilers have not yet revealed just how the detective comes up with evidence to prove that Nick was impersonating his former brother in law but only indicate that he will.
Rey has been very busy and focused on his goal since arriving in Genoa City. He has been taking notes on the Newman family and the coverup crew and also has a chart where he is trying to put the pieces together.
Soaps She Knows indicates that this week it will all fall into place. Arturo's brother will show his true colors, admit the real reason he is in town and ruin Nick's big night.
Nick will be Rey's fall guy
CDL points out that Paul was getting nowhere in his investigation into J.T.'s disappearance, and believes he may be too close to the situation.
He hired Rey to look at everything from an outsider's point of view, and it seems that it worked. The sneaky undercover cop has cozied up to Victor, Nikki, Sharon, Phyllis, Abby, and Victoria, He even went on a trip out of town with Nick. The cover-up crew has been suspicious of the new guy in town, but they never saw this coming.
Spoilers indicate that everything during the launch of Dark Horse will seem to be working in Nick's favor and that even Victor will attend and play nice. The unsuspecting crowd, which will include the press, along with Genoa City's elite will soon see an unexpected wrinkle in the celebration. Right in the middle of Nick's shining moment, he will become the fall guy for J.T.'s disappearance Rey will decide to arrest him right then and there. Be on the lookout for updated spoilers and keep watching "The Young and the Restless" weekday afternoons at 12:30 PM EST on CBS,