Ariana Grande shared photos on social media of her left hand wrapped in a bandage. The pop singer didn’t offer an explanation on Twitter or on Instagram regarding how she hurt her hand. Instead, she suggested that fans tune in to “The Late Late Show” to watch her segment of “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden when it airs on CBS on August 15.
In the black and white photo shared on Twitter, Grande noted that her hand “looks sick” and that she expected that her hand will “be okay.” Grande retweeted a message James Corden posted about their carpool experience on August 7.
She responded, stating that she has “never had more fun.”
‘Carpool Karaoke’ with pop singer possibly one of Corden’s favorites
Grande's album “Sweetener” will be released on August 17, two days after her karaoke segment with Corden airs. Corden tweeted that the karaoke segment with Grande was one of his favorites. She described her undisclosed hand injury as “so stupid” when asked by a fan what happened -- according to Into (Culture).
but i LOVE my bandage it looks sick @JKCorden i’ll be ok one day
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) August 7, 2018
Grande tweeted that the bandage is “cool.” She also stated that when her hand heals, she is going to miss the bandage.
Best. Day. Ever.
— James Corden (@JKCorden) August 8, 2018
Taping with Ariana Grande made Corden’s day
The upcoming segment of “Carpool Karaoke” will mark an encore for the singer. The first time she appeared was with Seth MacFarlane. They offered a duet in August 2017 from “Little Shop of Horrors,” a musical.
Corden did not mention the injury in his tweets, saying instead that taping with Grande made his day.
Ariana Grande addresses cheating claims
After resuming her social media activity following a respite from the “toxicity” she perceived, the pop singer is also refuting the claim that she cheated on her former beau, Max Miller.
Elle created an easy to following timeline of the breakup with Miller until she and Davidson stated dating.
The pop singer reportedly broke things off with Miller around May 10, according to Elle. This is the same day that she formally announced that she and Miller parted ways. Their relationship lasted two years. 10 days after breaking it off with Miller, she began dating Davidson. She was not spotted wearing her engagement ring publicly until June 2.
Superstar singer’s ex-boyfriend offers well wishes
Miller wished his ex well following her engagement news. Elle reported that he does not harbor negative feelings. In fact, he reportedly stated: “It’s all positive energy.”
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