Spoiler alerts for "The Young and the Restless" indicate that the final showdown between Victor and his saboteur is close at hand. Viewers, along with those in Genoa City, will finally have the answer to the question that has been plaguing them for weeks. Nikki, Phyllis, Sharon, and Victoria believe they buried J.T.'s lifeless body beneath the earth at Chancellor Park, but video footage suggests that he is the culprit that has been releasing sensitive Newman information to the press. Celeb Dirty Laundry teases that the last battle is about to occur, and everyone will know without a doubt who is behind all the drama that has Victor Newman on edge.

Victor Newman is losing control

On Friday's episode of "The Young and the Restless" Victor's world began crumbling even more as bad news kept coming at him left and right. First, there was an article written by Scott Grainger, which implied that J.T.'s disappearance is most likely because Victor had him murdered. Next, Ashley announced that she has had enough of the Newman drama and quit on the spot to go back to work at Jabot. Investors have been abandoning Newman Enterprises and Victor is also trying to hide his health issues by secretly having Neil's godson (Dr. Nate Hastings) treat him.

At the end of Friday's "Y&R" episode, Nikki and Sharon were looking out a window and saw J.T. wearing a hoodie, staring back at them.

While that was happening, Kyle was digging up Phillip Chancellor's grave -- which indicates that he is not impersonating Victoria's allegedly dead former spouse. If this is J.T., then viewers are probably wondering why he has been trying to sabotage his ex-father-in-law instead of the four women who put him in the ground.

The final showdown with Victor and his saboteur will be epic

Soaps She Knows indicates that the final showdown between Victor and J.T. will take place on July 13 and 14. At this time everyone in Genoa City, as well as loyal fans, will know for certain who the Newman saboteur is. "The Young and the Restless" has done a great job of keeping certain things secret, but this week answers must surely come.

If this is indeed Mr. Hellstrom, then how did he dig his way out of his grave, and obtain his credit cards and resources without being detected?

Victor Newman may be down but he definitely is not out and will be gunning for the person who is trying to destroy his legacy. Kyle has been ruled out, so if the saboteur is not J.T. "The Young and the Restless" has given no clue of who it could be. CDL and Soaps She Knows promise updates on this epic storyline when they become available so stay tuned.