Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will marry this month, but the honeymoon that was scheduled to follow has been canceled, according to Kensington Palace. The royal officials confirmed that Prince Harry and Meghan will go on a honeymoon at a later date, but they are staying home following their wedding event.
What is up with that? The couple was slated for a private getaway in Namibia, a place the couple has visited before.
They were all set for a honeymoon in a luxury camp in one of the most private places on Earth. Nambia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world.
Honeymoon on hold
While there is plenty of news on where the couple had planned to go, there's not much news on why they canceled the trip. According to Fox News, the news came without much explanation as to why the two are staying at home following their nuptials on May 19. There is a royal event they will attend, but would that constitute canceling a honeymoon?
Speculation grows with delay
Without that explanation, there's been room for all kinds of speculation to grow as to the reasons the couple will stay put once in wedded bliss.
Some websites claim they've postponed their honeymoon so they can attend a royal engagement the week following their wedding, but why wouldn't they have postponed the royal engagement instead of the honeymoon?
Kensington Palace official scoop
According to E! News, Kensington Palace has offered up a bunch of updates about Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding besides the delayed honeymoon. Meghan's dad will walk his daughter down the aisle, which seemed to be up in the air until recently.
Meghan's siblings coming
There will also be three of Meghan's siblings in attendance for the wedding. Meghan's mother will travel with Meghan in the car to her wedding ceremony. Meghan's mom and dad will arrive a few days before the wedding so that they can spend time meeting their new royal in-laws.
Meghan's parents to be by her side
According to E! News, "The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are all slated to spend some time with Meghan's parents before the wedding."
Prince Harry is thrilled that his mom's relatives will also be at his wedding. Princess Diana's three siblings will be there with Lady Jane Fellowes giving the reading. The wedding will be a bit different than most, as Meghan has decided to forego a maid of honor.
Nontraditional wedding party?
With Prince William as the best man for his brother, it might be a bit awkward without a maid of honor if the wedding followed American traditions, but in the UK, things are done a bit differently.
If you can remember back to Kate and William's wedding, Kate had Pippa as a maid of honor, but the bridesmaids were all kids.
The details of Meghan's bridesmaids have yet to be released, but they could very well all be adults with Meghan giving all her bridesmaids equal billing instead of having just one maid of honor.