Dorinda Medley's drinking was highlighted on this week's episode of RHONY to the point that Bethenny Frankel didn't blink an eye when she called her a "drunk" on air. Bethenny was giving her a piece of her mind after the way Dorinda treated her but she also said that she was basically giving her a pass because she is "a drunk," reports The Daily Dish from Bravo.

That is what Bethenny had to say to Dorinda, but reminding her that drinking too much is just not a good look for her came from other directions as well. Luann said some "not so nice things" on her RHONY blog as well about Dorinda's drinking.

This unleashed a few words of vengeance from Dorinda aimed at Luanne via Twitter, according to Fansided.

Overindulging problems

This hoopla all stems from Dorinda's overindulging in front of Bethenny's friends and charity donors at an event, which was held a few months back but aired in a recent RHONY episode. It seems the magnitude of this behavior set in with Dorinda once she watched her actions on TV months later.

The perils of reality TV

This has to be one of the downsides of reality TV. In real-life without the cameras, once you move past a night of regret the impact of your behaviors eventually wane.

But when you are being filmed for a reality TV show it comes back to haunt you when it's aired in an episode months later. Ouch... once again!

The things that were said and done happened months ago, but fans of the show are just getting a gander at it today. The embarrassment must be somewhat personified now that the masses are talking about it, as it is news to them from watching the latest episode.

It seems that Bethenny's words to Dorinda were coming from her sense of caring about her RHONY co-star, but that wasn't how Luann's critique of Dorinda's drinking was seen. Luann baffled many when she, who has a history of drinking -- to the point of being arrested, decided to spin a few words about Dorinda's night of overindulging.

Luann tossing boulders?

So what about Luann? She took to her blog to let Dorinda know that getting drunk was not one of her finest looks. It became common knowledge that Luann was arrested in an inebriated state after the incident hit the headlines a few months back. Fans haven't seen this addressed yet on an episode on RHONY, although reports indicate it is coming.

Dorinda found it quite astounding that of all people it was Luann who had something to say about her night of drinking at Bethenny's event. It appears Luann was living in a glass house and tossing boulders Dorinda's way. Dorinda took to Twitter to give her "pal" Luann a piece of her mind.

That tweet is seen below.

Friendship by the wayside?

According to Fansided, this seems to be proof that the friendship between Dorinda and Luann is over. While it is not known if the Bravo cameras happened to be following Luann at the time she was arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer, the incident is expected to show up on a future episode of RHONY in some capacity.